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Next day, I walked to school with no one with me. Dan's sister, Liana met me in front of his gates. When I asked her about Dan being so late today, her face was wrapped in confusion. She said Dan had already left early. Though I was perplexed why he didn't call or text me beforehand, Liana assured that he must have some urgent work, and I will get a call sooner or later.

As for Ruth, her mom told me the same thing, she left early, must have had something urgent. I walked slowly, my eyes never leaving the steps I took. Ruth must have shared the yesterday's mishap to Dan, and he believed it.
When I entered the classroom, I saw her sitting at her desk, Dan standing beside her, having a conversation. Both of them looked at me, held my gaze, and resumed their talk, ignoring me.

This wasn't fair at all.

I waited for the day to end, so that I can tell him everything in the past few days.
I have to make him BELIEVE me.


Ding dong. Ting tong.
Seconds later, Liana opened the door.

She didn't say much and ushered me inside. Near the staircase, she whispered,"Did something happen between you two?"
I nodded.
"He is all gloomy since yesterday."
"That's why I'm here, to talk."
"Yeah, yeah. He is in his room upstairs." She showed me a thumbs-up.

I climbed the stairs and knocked two times on the door.
"I'm fine mom. Just go."

"It's not mom. It's me." I slightly opened the door and came in.
He stood in his chair, his eyes giving off a 'WHY-ARE-YOU-HERE?' look.

"I need to talk to you about something."
"But I don't have anything to talk about, with you."
"Then just listen to what I have to say."

I made myself comfortable on his bed, despite his cold stares, because the story I was going to tell him was long. With that, I started telling him about the bizarre incidents which happened with me lately, the Chemistry experiment, the entire school's light out drama, and Ruth's misadventure.
"I didn't have anything in my hand. Not even long nails. And I honestly wasn't listening to her too. I was thinking of something else."
My eyes filled with tears on the verge of falling, and my voice was cracking up. Please believe me Dan.

He looked at my eyes for the first time today, and sat beside me, his hand patting my back gently.
I quickly wiped my tears, which had started flowing uncontrollably now.
"But how did this happen then? The cut? Is someone doing this?" Dan asked, his fingers scratching under his chin.

"Before that, I have another thing in my mind."
"Hmm.... I am all ears."
Thus, I told him what Amanda, the young fortune teller, had predicted about me.

His reaction was priceless.
"Yeah. You heard right. Maybe there IS a monster inside me who is doing this."

"That's so unbelievable!"
"I know Dan. But after all these nasty things happening around, I don't think every bit of it is a coincidence."

Dan slowly took my hands and saw my palms, as if reading them.
"So, do you believe me now?"
"I don't know, but at least you don't seem to be a liar. Let's believe you are not the culprit."
He closed his eyes, and held my hands tight. After some moments, he opened them.

"No, I can't do this. I can't feel it inside you."
"My monster?"
"Yeah, I guess."
"So, will you take me to Shirlyn?"
"Nope. She would have sensed it long ago, but couldn't. I think it's dormant. And I really don't want the Chief to poke his nose into this."

"But if your intuition is right, then we should find it out as soon as possible." Dan stood up and took his black Denim jacket from his chair.

Before I could ask him where he was going, he held my wrist and dragged me out of his room.

"Where are .... what are you doing? AHH." I asked as he pulled me downstairs, taking two steps at a time.

Dan didn't answer. Instead, he took the car keys from a drawer and shouted to his mom that he's going to be a little late. Liana saw him holding my hand, and her eyes lit with surprise. She mouthed "Happy journey" to me and winked. I definitely know what she presumed was wrong, but Dan didn't give me any time to clarify.

He ignited his family's black sedan and motioned me to sit beside him.

"Where are we going, Dan? I'm out of patience now."

"To someone who can clear all doubts."

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