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As I held Amanda's hands for a minute or so, things started getting weird.

I felt sweat wetting my palms, my head throbbing with the pain.
What's happening? Why is it suddenly so hot?
And then, I felt a shot of electricity run through my nerves that reached my eyes. I saw a flash of lightning.
My eyes flew open.

I saw Amanda, covering her mouth with her hands. Ruth held my hand tight.
The hammering inside my brain continued, and it took a moment for my pounding heart to pace down.

"Are you okay?" Ruth asked.
"I am ...fine I guess. Why though?"
"You screamed just now."

What? Did I?
Why don't I remember doing it then?

"Hey....you are sweating like crazy! Here, drink this." Ruth gave me a water bottle.
The bottle in my hand made me realise how parched my throat felt. I drank a lot to quench the nasty thirst.

"Let's go." Ruth stood up from her chair.
"But..." It felt rude to leave... just like that.
"No BUTS! You are not well, and we should go home. We can come later to know about your future, it's not going anywhere. Seeing you like this, your mom may behead me for sure."
I nodded and slowly followed her.

"WAIT!" Amanda came and stood in front of us.
"Don't worry. We paid for this. Thanks for your help." Ruth interjected.
"It's not about payment..... I really need to talk to her. Vanessa." She looked at me for permission.

"She is running through a fever, I think. She'll come to meet you later when she's alright." Ruth turned away.
"I need to talk to her.... and it's important!"

Ruth was just going to deny it.

"It's fine, Ruth. I'll listen to her."
"Are you sure you can listen to her in THIS condition?"
"Yup..... you are being too serious about me."

I walked towards Amanda.
She mouthed something towards me.

"Ruth, wait outside for me. It'll just take some moments."
She reluctantly agreed and left.

I turned towards Amanda.
"So now, what do you want to tell me?"
"You felt it, didn't you? The sparks?"

They weren't just sparks. They felt like tearing my nerves apart.
But I nodded.
"Do you know what they are for?"
"No, I don't."

"Were you attacked by some people before?"
Why does she know about that?

"Yes, but how do you..."
"Were they from Syndicate?"

What? How does she know about SYNDICATE?
My face must have shown my answer.
"Oh my god.... so did they seal you?"
"What do you mean?"
"Okay,.... did they hold your hand like I did now?"
"Thank goodness. They still don't know. But why did they attack you then?"

"What they 'don't know' about me?"
"See, Vanessa. I can't tell you that now. I think you should find that out yourself. But you also need to protect yourself okay? You don't know it, but you are in great danger. You have to......" saying this, she kept both of her hands on my shoulders- "Be strong dear."

"Please tell me, what the hell did you see? In my body? In my future? If I have to protect myself, I need to know that."

"I can't see your future. I told you, I can make you notice your present. And your present tells me they are after you for some reason. Be careful. And...." She tilted her head forward.
"And remember, he can't protect you this time."

He? Rio? Or Dan?
She kept her index finger on my lips, stopping me from asking any more questions.

"Now go. Your friend's waiting outside."
I silently nodded and turned towards the exit.

"Another thing. Amanda?"
"Why would they try to seal ME?"

"How should I put it? There's something inside you, which I think they don't want to get exposed. Or maybe, they can think of controlling it for their own use. But that's all I can tell you about right now. Though they didn't seal you yet, I assume they didn't find out about it. Don't worry, it's getting stronger. You will discover it soon."

I half-smiled and came outside. I had no idea what I should do with that information.
What is inside me though? A MONSTER?

Ruth stared at me with her you-have-to-tell-me-everything look, so I told her to wait till we get home. She agreed, probably due to my feverish condition.
I walked with her a few steps and turned back.
Amanda was standing at the window of her stall, sipping something from a cup.
Then she turned back. And I saw it.
Her hair was pinned into a bun. And there was a weird Greek letter tattooed at her nape.

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