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I stared at the ceiling for so long, my eyes started tearing up.

Ruth asked me some questions as soon as we reached home. I told her some common predictions which can't help her in drawing conclusions. I knew I wasn't doing the best thing, I mean, keeping secrets from my BEST FRIEND? But I had to. I needed to clear the doubts by myself. Dragging her into the mess I'm already in won't change anything.

Amanda's in Syndicate. She had the TATTOO.
So why did she warn me about her own group? Why didn't she have a hint about them following me beforehand?
Rio had said earlier that Syndicate helps some kids to control their growing powers.
So then, why did Amanda sound like it's a Mafia gang?
This is all so confusing!

I needed to clarify the doubts soon.
Amanda couldn't (or didn't) help much, so no luck there.

I also can't trust Rio anymore. I don't understand his motives at all at this point.

The only other Syndicate person I know who can tell me a thing or two wasn't as approachable. Also, the only thing I do remember about her is her name. Our first meet wasn't very heartwarming too. Indeed, trying to communicate with her was hella risky. But she is the only person who can clear my doubts.

So, to reach her, I had an absolutely ridiculous (but profitable) idea.


At recess, I didn't sit with Rio. Instead, I headed to Mr. Edward's table. He was sitting with a group of friends, laughing his heads off on something. As soon as he saw me, he stopped.

"Hi, Mr..... I mean, Ed."
His friends bored holes on me with their stares.
"Who is she?" One of them asked
"Never saw her before." Another spoke.
"Is she from middle school? Don't tell me, your sister?"

I glared at him. Middle school, my ass.

"Oh, isn't she in Student council?"
A guy from the corner spoke. The only gentleman here. God bless him.

No response from Edward yet. Did he forget me so soon?

"Isn't she kinda cute though, Ed?"

"You guys just STOP, will you?"
And everyone fell silent.

"What do you want?" Ed turned at me.
"I need to talk to you about something ...... important."

Ed motioned at his friends to go away. To my surprise, no one protested.
I sat near him to start.

"Now, I'm sure you said you wanted to cut ties?"
Ed sipped on his orange juice and looked at me.

"I want to, but I need to know something before that."

"Hmm.... so, be quick."

"Do you know anyone named May?"

"Which May? May Tennyson? May Sparks? May Irwin?"

Stop confusing me.

"I don't know her surname."

"Tell me something more authentic. Like, looks?"

I had to think hard. That night, I wasn't in a position to clarify her looks.
"She has short hair, hair falls on her eyebrows. Lean but strong. Height..... maybe 5 feet 6. And she has a tattoo on her neck, at the right side."

"She looks kinda athletic."
Is he checking her eligibility status? Oh god.

"She used to be in Syndicate."
Yeah, that made him serious.

"What WHAT? I need to know about her."

"Did she do something to you?"
"No." I lied. "Do you know her by the way?"

"Your description kind of matches a girl I knew several months back. But she had long hair, your hair colour, a shade darker. I met her at a party, where all organisations meet and discuss, and have fun. Reunion type. Her name is..... May Calvin."

"So, where do I find her now?"
"Why do you need to find her anyway?"
There are things which I can't tell anyone.

"I can't tell you. If you don't say anymore, it's ok. I'll leave then."
I pretended to get up from the chair.

"Wait! Wait, ok, I'll tell you. Don't ask someone else. It may be dangerous."


"You want people to know you trying to reach a Syndicate, that too a strong one?"
"But people won't know."
"Do you know everyone here. Their real identities?"
That got me.
I shook my head.

"May Calvin. She studies at Central college. Freshman."
"Thanks for the information."
"But tell me why you needed it so BADLY."
"I told you, didn't I? I need to know something which only SHE can tell me."

"But wait!" He grabbed my hand as I got up.
"You have to tell me, Vanessa. Don't put your life at risk!"
The crease in the middle of his eyebrows showed his concern.

"May isn't in Syndicate now. She left two months ago. I just need to confirm something. NO. BIG. DEAL."
I slowly freed my hand.
"But anyway, thanks for caring."
I smiled.

"Ok. Just be careful." He seemed flustered.
This is hilarious.


I stood outside the gate of Central College, observing every car's driver. I was prepared to shout her name when I see her and stop her car. Then, all of a sudden, many students started flooding past the gate. Classes must be over then.
I waited, and waited, AND waited for who knows how long when suddenly a shiny black SUV crossed my sight. And I started running behind it.

"May! May Calvin! Wait! Hey!"
I ran with all my might.

The car stopped beside the lane.
Her eyes widened the minute she saw me.

"What are you? A STALKER?" She harshly whispered.
Look who's talking.

"I need to know something important."
"Oh really? You can ask Rio, can't you?"

"No, I know you know better than him."
"So, ask your queries. Come on, be quick."

"I can't ask you here. People can listen."
"Hey. Don't you want to know about Rio's history?"

Really? She thought I came here, risking my life for THAT? Though the info's very juicy for me, right now it isn't that important.

"No. It's not about him. It's about Syndicate."

"I left Syndicate two months ago." She mumbled.

"I know that. Still, you'll know better."
She stood there thinking for a moment.

"Sit in the car then."
"Where will you take me?"

"My home."

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