Chapter 10: Dinner With The Nights

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Hello people! Welcome to Wonderland! :)

So I spent hours writing this. Then I just didn't like it. So I stopped writing for awhile. Then awhile turned into days and now here I am, still unable to actually get this chapter right. So here it is, sorry if it isn't good. I tried. :( I might stop writing altogether for awhile. I'm too stressed.... Girl drama sucks.

Okay here's chapter 10: remember I tired...Vote and comment! Just because of the crappiness, do it.

Missvindictive is really awesome just saying! :) she made me a great cover! Her stories are way good too.

Chapter 10: Dinner With The Nights

Hayley's POV:

So the atmosphere was awkward and stressed. Logan kept looking at me, Jasmine was glaring at me, and Mr. and Mrs. Night just smiled at me. "So Hayley, are you okay with all this werewolf stuff?" Mr. Night asked as we stood in the living room.

"Umm, yea," I answered. "I've always had a thing for wolves, so my boyfriend being one doesn't bug me. Well not as much as him being my teacher, that tends to bug me." I said, surprised at how much I was talking. Why was I talking so much? I never did. This is all getting to weird. First my teacher actually likes me. Then he becomes my boyfriend who turns out to be a werewolf. And now I was talking, could my life get any weirder?

Everyone just looked at me like I was stupid. Which I was, I mean how many girls worried more about their boyfriends being their teacher then him being a werewolf. Maybe I was losing it? It was awkward for a moment, and then I felt Logan start shaking next to me. I looked up at him in wonder. He was covering his mouth with his hand, his body just quivering. "Logan, are you okay?" his father asked looking at his son with worry.

I started to pat him on the back. "You okay?" I asked.

Then it started.

He started to laugh.

At me.

"HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHA!" He laughed, bursting out so suddenly it shocked all of us. His mother and father looked at him questioning his odd behavior. Jasmine just looked at him like he was a goner. "HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!" he continued. He was laughing so hard he was doubling over in pain. "That was-oh my god- hahahahahahaha."

"What? Logan! Please stop laughing at me." I yelled, looking at him in panic balling up my fist.

"I'm sorry," he choked out, but he was still laughing so he had to stop, "It's just you are so cute! You worry about this weirdest thing."

"What-? Logan! You're mean!" I said hitting him lightly.

"I'm sorry sweetie, as I said you're just too cute." He said kissing me on the forehead. I blushed looking around me in embarrassment. Jasmine was throwing daggers with her eyes. And even though Mr. and Mrs. Night were smiling, I could tell it was forced. The look on their face was worry, and even slight annoyance.

"AWWWW! Now ain't that cute?" drawled a sweet voice from behind me. I turned around and saw Macy. I smiled at her. "I'm so glad you came!" Macy said, skipping up to hug me.

I was shocked at first but I just smiled and lightly hugged her back. "Yea, much to Logan's annoyance." I said looking at Logan who then stuck his tongue out at me.

"Oh don't worry about, he's just worried someone's going to slip up." She said turning around to face Logan with a smirk on her face.

Logan just glared at her, if looks could kill she'd be ten feet under, but same could have been said for me, Jasmine was still giving me the death glare. And it was making me uncomfortable. "Never mind him." Macy said, "Cam! Debra! Everyone's here." Macy said to Mr. and Mrs. Night who were watching us with their mouth open.

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