Chapter 12: Mr. Night Get the Hell Outta My House!

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vote and comment people please????  i seriously need some more votes out of selfishness... :(  sorry i'm selfish but...yea...

Anyways here is crappy chapter 12! :) hope you like it...

picture of Andrew---->

Chapter 12

Hayley's pov:

               I ran home as fast as I could knowing if I didn't get home soon I'd get chewed out and it is  seriously something I didn't want to deal with.              

I got home sweat dripping down my face my hair messed up into clumps of black. I swore under my breath knowing how awful I looked. I walked through the back door and walked into the living room. "Hey!"              

My uncle was sitting on the couch with Jace next to them they were talking about something but when my uncle saw me his face turned bright red with anger. Jace blushed and his eyes looked at me with lust and want. "Hayley Lake! Why the hell don't you have a shirt on?" my uncle screamed at me.              

I looked at him in confusion for a minute. I had a shirt on. What was he talking about? I had put one on this morning, a pink tank top with black flowers on it. Then I looked down and realized what he had been talking about. I was in my black shorts with my black bra, I really didn't have a shirt on. "What? How? Huh?" I said not understanding why I didn't have clothes on.               

"Hayley-" my uncle started.              

 "What? I really don't know why I don't have a-" But then it hit me like a semi-truck. Logan had taken off my shirt and I ran here before I could have remembered to put it back on. My face was beat red from embarrassment, so I ran upstairs and to grab a shirt. I got to my room and opened my door and saw a familiar pink tank top. I went to the bed and grabbed it and a note feel from the bed it said.              

'Hayley, you left your shirt in clearing. See you tonight. -Logan.'              

So he knew I left it. Next time I see him I was going to kill him. I would tear out his eye balls and cut off his- "Hayley, honey, I want to talk to you." My uncle said from outside my door. I put my shirt back on and opened the door. "Yea?" I asked looking at me uncle worried. He was a tall man 6'3 he was well built he made me feel like an ant, just like Logan did. His brown hair and thoughtful eyes reminded me so much of my dad.              

He looked at me and said "Well that boy down there got a good show right?"              

I blushed a bright red shade of red, I could have sworn I heard a small growl behind me. I turned around and saw no one. "Anyway, that boy, Jace, is he your boyfriend?" he asked.              

"What? No!" I said in a shocked voice. Jace? My boyfriend? That was crazy! I started to laugh at the thought of it. "Jace seriously? No. We're just good friends don't worry about it." I said laughing.               

"Okay, I just wanted to talk to you. Can we sit down?" he asked pointing to my bed. I nodded and he sat down and patted the space beside him. I plopped down next to me and he cleared his throat. "Well you know, since your dad has been gone I think I should take the time to talk to you."              

"Okay, about what?" I asked nonchalantly.              

"Well you know at this age, boys you know will have urges." Oh-my-god....he wasn't. "They will say they like you and then they will only want one thing." He said blushing red, but I swear this was worse on me.              

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