Chapter 6: Meeting The Wolf

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Yo yo yo yo! My question for you: what do you think Hayley's reaction would be if she woke up and Logan was naked in her bed?

My answer: something to do with a random frying pan that came out of nowhere and hitting him mercilessly over the head with said random frying pan that came out of nowhere.

What do you think? Personally since I'm not Hayley I'd be overjoyed to see my hot sexy naked teacher in my bed. But that's just me:)

Anyways here's chapter 6 :)  

Soooo vote vote vote. Comment comment comment. Do it if you want the next chapter out sooner. And fan just because all the cool kids are doing it.

Looky its Jasmine :) she's a bitch.

Chapter six

Hayley's POV:

I sighed and rolled over in my bed. I peeled my eyes open and looked at the clock in annoyance. I had to get up. It was 5:30 and if I didn't get ready now I'd be dead. I got up and walked to my bathroom. I stripped down out of my clothes and jumped into the warm comforting shower, man did I love my shower. It was always warm and inviting. Only when it got mad did it ever trip me.

Once I was done I jumped out of the shower and ran to my towel. It was too cold for it to be March. When I walked out of the door I saw it. It hit me like a ton of bricks. I saw my only love. The one thing that comforted me. And the bitch that stood in my way.

My bed! Oh how I love you. Damned alarm clock, screw you! It's your fault for not letting me be with it.

I sighed at my stupidity and grab a pair of jean shorts, a baggy old linkin park t-shirt, my shoe and I put my oversized glasses on my face. I was ready to face another day of hell. God I hated high school.

I ran out of the house five minutes later with a goodbye to my uncle and a strawberry pop tart. I started walking down the street listening to my iPod and day dreamed. I got to Seneca street and went down a small road then I walked into the woods. This was my own little short cut to school. I always loved the woods. It was like my own safe haven. It made me feel normal again. Like it never happened. Like he never took my innocence away. He had no right. Yet he took my childhood. I almost screamed in frustration when I heard a rustle in the bushes. I paused and turned around. I saw the most beautiful big blue eyes. I knew in my subconscious I should have been afraid. But I wasn't those eyes were so calming. How could I be scared? I walked over to the bush and a huge black wolf appeared out of the trees and branches. It was taller than me. I just continued to look into its eye, they are fascinating, filled with warmth kindness and love. I never know wolfs could have emotions.

The wolf looked almost scared, like it was worried about something. I walked close, it bent its head for me to touch its head. It sort of smiled...could a wolf smile. I petted it head some more and it seemed to sigh. What an odd wolf. I took out my phone to take a picture of it when I noticed the time, 7:20. Shit school starts in 10 minutes.

"Sorry," I said to the wolf, "I have to go! I'll see you later maybe?" then ran off. Was that wolf a dream? I questioned it the whole way to school. How was it so big? Why didn't it run off when it saw me? Why didn't it kill me? So many questions all of which I had no answer to. I pushed it out of my mind when I got to school.

Tonight I'm Loving You *My Teacher is a Werewolf* (On hold indefinitely)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant