Chapter 24: His Smile

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This is short. I'm just trying to get back into the flow of writing this again. I'm planning on getting this story finished by Christmas or early january. Wish me luck!

Authors note: reason I cannot update frequently is because I'm a junior in high school. I work 26-30 hours a week. I have volunteer work I have to get done. I have SAT prep and I have a tutor one day a week. O also have a 54 hour internship. I'm balancing that all on top of a social life and a needy boyfriend. But I'll try to get an update once a week or every other now.

Chapter 24: His Smile

I look at the man who is laying on my bed completely broken. He isn't crying. It's seems much worse then crying. It a man who has completely lost all hope. His face was overtaken by grief and dispare. My heart ached as I watched him pull himself deeper and deeper into his own personal hell. "It's my fault." he says again, his husky voice sending chills down my spine.

I didn't know what to say. I was literally speechless. It's like my words got stuck in my throat and I couldn't force them out. When I tired I ended up making a odd sound that made him look at me funny. My heart started beating quickly when his goregous blue eyes stared into mine. He was beautiful. Never before in my life had I ever seen such a perfect person. And as I look at his face burning his image in my brain I couldn't help but think he looked familiar. I was so confused. I could feel a pang of uneasiness as I slowly walked over to him. His shoulders, his strong broad shoulders began to shake. My heart was breaking watching him look so hurt, so sad, so defeated.

"Mr. Night." I said hesitantly.

He looked up at me his eyes void of any emotion. "Yes."

"I'm sorry."

He looked shocked for a moment then shook his head and said bitterly. "Why should you be sorry. This whole thing is my fault. You did nothing."

"Yea but I've hated you so unjustly for years now. And seeing you like this makes me realize how wrong I've been about this whole thing. You've been suffering to."

He just stared at me with his empty face. "I hurt you Hayley. There is a reason you hate me." I didn't say a word. I just looked away. His face was my undoing. His face make my heart beat so much faster as well as break at the same time. "Don't look away from me." he said sternly.

"I'm fine. I'm not hurt."

"Bull shit! Dont think I haven't seen your arms. Don't think I haven't asked about you. You've been broken for years. And it's all because of me. It's my fault you've been in so much pain. Every time I see your scars on you arms I want to-"

"My scars have nothing to do with you."

He just laughed humorously. "Sure." he said and grabbed my arm roughly. He pulled up the sleeves exposing my ugly scars. I winced as I watched his face turn into a look of complete agony. "I did this." he whispered.

I wanted to cry as I watched him start to fight the tears I saw in his eyes.

"You didn't." I said gently. I then slowly took my hands and placed them on either side of his cheeks. I caressed his face softly as I made him look at me. "Mr. Night." he looked at me and I smiled at him. "I did this because I was weak. Not because of you. You did nothing." I said sternly.

He just looked at me quietly. And soon, very soon did I see a genuine smile touch his lips.

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