Just so you know.

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I wrote this book when I was like... 15. I had no clue what I was doing. No indication of how to correctly write a story nor any idea where I was going with it. I just enjoyed writing and creating character. I loved cliche love stories and really just enjoyed this for fun. That being said: This story will not be completed.

So to everyone bitching and moaning about how horrible it was; I understand it was a bit random and had no direction. But being 15 and trying to write well, it happens some times. And as an adult just trying to finish it; because I am completely anal and cannot leave things unfinished; the chapters I had written or would write would be so disappointing and detached. I don't even remember what this story is about to be honest.
So with this all being said I have completely given up ever picking up this story to complete it. Sorry. To everyone who loved and still loves Hayley and Logan I am so sorry I am unable to complete their love story.

If anyone ever wants to pick this story up and edit and maybe complete it message me. I have no qualms about handing it over!
Thank you so much for accompanying me on my journey. Wattpad was literally the reason I made it through high school all those years ago.
Xoxo Jen

Tonight I'm Loving You *My Teacher is a Werewolf* (On hold indefinitely)Where stories live. Discover now