Chapter 17: Guilty

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ello, sorry if it sucks. Blah blah I have really have no want or great need to write this anymore. At all. But I guess I have to finish right?

 vote comment whatever? :)

Chapter 17 Guilty

As I stared into his cold eyes I felt the need to scream. How could it have come to this? Him leaving me, him hating me and me being a wimp and unable to stand up for myself, I was getting pathetic. "Who the fuck told you that you had the right to look at me like that?" I screamed at him. Logan's face didn't change it was just a hard hateful look. "Oh god are you freaking serious? You put me through hell you know that right? When that damn car hit me I was glad so I didn't have to go on without you. But now I wish you would just stop haunting me. I woke up confused and guess who the first person I thought of was? You, you dick head. I wish I had never met you. I wish that you would have just stayed out of my life. I wish I could forget. You owe me that much. Make me forget. Please, I've been out of my mind, it's like I struggle to keep sane." I screamed tears running down my face.

But I wasn't making myself feel any better. But Logan's face changed from cruel to confused. I want to wipe that look off his face. "Please," I begged looking at his face that was now struck with remorse and guilt. He better feel guilty.

"Hayley?" he asked his face changing from guilt to misbelieve. "Is that really you?"

Oh god. I wanted to slap him. "Who the hell do you think you've been talking to? A ghost. God I can't believe you! Well I can you lying cheating bastard." I spat at him.

But he ignored my angry rants and hugged me. And the moment he did it was like every bad thing that happened before and I went back to the time were Logan and I were happy. I rested my head against his broad chest and cried. I felt his hand brush through my tangled hair. I could help but smile as I cried.

But I returned to reality when I felt a hand on my shoulder. I looked up. It was Jace but he wasn't looking at me, he was glaring at Logan. "Get your paws off her dog." he spat

"Shut up, this has nothing to do with you." Logan said his face looked so scary even I was afraid.

"Yes it does. You ignored her for months. I was there for her while you were fucking some slut." he screamed at Logan. I felt his arms go around my waist and pull me away from him. The moment I didn't feel his arms around me I felt lost and confused.

"It wasn't my fault. It's you stupid witches. You guys erased my memory."

"It's not possible." said the boy who was standing next to Jace.  "memory dust only works on humans. And as far as I know there hasn't been a single witch with the power to erase a person's memory. Even if we wanted to it wouldn't have been possible."

"Yea, Kyle is right." someone said from behind us. "It's not possible."

"Well it happened." Logan said annoyed.

"You have no proof." Jace said.

Logan's face was now in such a tangle of emotions I couldn't keep track of them. But I did know that one moment I was standing by Jace's side and the next I was in Logan's arms, he was carrying my bridal style and he just ran. He ran from the house and in one quick movement he was in wolf form and I was on his back. I had my eyes shut afraid to open them and see the scenery pass by way too quickly for my enjoyment.

Even though my heart was in pieces when I was with Logan I felt happy and comfortable, no matter how much I wanted to be mad at him. I loved Logan and I know I couldn't live without him. But this fact wasn't going to change the fact I wanted to make him feel so guilty.

Logan carried me all the way back to his apartment. He shifter in front of me and I had to close my eyes. Him naked wasn't exactly something I needed to worry about at the moment.

I heard his soft laughter and then I felt his arms wrap around me again and carry me into his apartment and to his bedroom.

I kept my eyes closed as I heard him fumble around for clothes. "Hayley, you can open your eyes now." I heard his soft voice say, god how much did I miss his voice? "I'm sorry." He whispered in my ear and then took his large strong arms and wrapped them around my now shaking body.

I felt like crying at first but then I thought of all the time I had wasted over him and began angry. I clenched my fists together and then punched him in the face. I heard a crack and then looked at his now crooked nose. But I couldn't exactly enjoy the damage I caused because my hand was aching. "Ouch what was that for?" Logan asked.

But I couldn't answer, I was fighting the tears. "You are an idiot you know that?" Logan said looking at me, I just stared at his nose that was crooked a moment ago and was now currently perfectly fine. What the hell? "You should know better than to punch a werewolf in the face. Haven't you ever read twilight? Bella regretted punching Jacob, what made you think you wouldn't regret it?" He asked with humor in his voice.

"Well you know that's the last thing I really care about at the moment. Your nose is perfectly fine! This sucks." I said getting upset, I went to hit him but stopped due to a pang of pain that was attacking my hand.

"Yea, again Twilight? Ever heard of it? It's like a manual to all things weird."

"Thought you said Twilight was bullshit."

"Most of it, but some of it is right." he said with a smile.

I almost smiled back but then I got a picture of Jasmine and him kissing and my mood turned sour. I got up off the bed and went to the closet. "Hayley, what are you doing?" Logan asked.

I opened the door and looked around for the object I had intended on being here. When I saw it in the corner I smiled and grabbed the handle. I turned around and gave Logan a wicked smile. "Hayley what are you doing with that?" his voice hesitant.

"Well I guess this is what you would call revenge? You put me through hell Logan! You know that right. And now here you are acting like I didn't feel like dying every time someone even mentioned the name Logan. How do you think my heart felt when I saw you kissing Jasmine that time? Do you know how many times I thought of finding someone else but was unable to due to the fact I still felt guilty for thinking of another guy, which was bull considering you've been screwing Jasmine." I screamed at him while tightening my grip on the handle.

Logan was looking at me with a face so guilty he would have been convicted without a trial. "Hayley, I'm so-" he started.

But me being as angry as I was, I cut him off. "You're sorry Logan what bullshit." I said tears streaming down my face. I looked at him, he was crying as well. But that didn't make me feel any better. So I finally took the baseball bat and wacked him across the head with all the force I had in me. I heard him scream out in pain and I smiled, serves him right. I dropped the bat and looked at him. There was blood coming out from his head but before I could get too worried I saw the slow flow slow down to a complete halt in a matter of seconds.

"God, Hayley that hurt like hell." Logan said annoyed.

"Well guess what these past months have been hurting me like hell." I said with a smug smile.

He looked at me and sighed. He then wrapped his arms around me and I finally lost it. I cried in his arms for what seemed like hours, I just cried buckets and buckets of tears. But I felt slightly better when I felt his tears soak my roots.

After I finished crying he turned me to face him and smiled at me. "I'm so sorry Hayley, I can't really say anything else, because nothing will ever truly explain how sorry I am. But I love you, never doubt that." He said with a smile.

My heart started to pound uncontrollably. Tears started to well up again and I nodded, leaning in to kiss those lips I missed so much. But before I could I heard a loud crash, Logan and I drew away from each other and saw Jace, he had broken the door down and was now looking at us with murderous glancing. God life sucks, was the only thing I could think of.

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