Chapter 5: Yes I'm Stalking My Mate, You Have A Problem With That?

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 IMPORTANT: I would read this if I were you.

 Just sayin.... ;)

Soooo a couple people have asked 'what's so bad about her being human and logans mate?' my answer: humans are much weaker then werewolves. While humans are prone to sickness and death, werewolves never get sick and it takes a hell of a lot to kill them. A wolf and it's mate share a bond, if their mate is hurt so would the wolf, the werewolf will feel the pain the other one is in. So its sort of not a good thing to have a weak mate. Especially if it's human. Once your mate died you'll be thrown into such a deep depression you won't want to live.

Another reason is if a werewolf mates with another the other werewolf, both will reciprocate those feelings. Humans can choose to ignore them. They don't have to be with the werewolf. Humans have many loves in a lifetime. Whereas werewolves only have one. So there is some complications. If you ask ' well then Hayley was born just for logan' answer is yea she is but Logan wasn't born for Hayley.


When I said Logan went home it was his parents house. He owns an apartment in town(which town? Idk...the town where he works) his parents house is 30 minutes from the town he lives in, so say Elizabeth town...his parents live in Elizabeth town while he lives in Carter Town (well now he does) soooo....if you get confused when I said he went home and then went home's your fault you didn't read this. 

So if you ask why that is it's because I say so :)

And looky! It's Noah! :) -------> 

*too bad he doesn't swing my way...  

Anyways here's chapter 5 :) 

Vote vote vote. And comment comment comment. Do it if you wish you were a gay guy and wanted Noah.... Become a fan cuz if you don't youll make babies cry. 

Chapter five

Logan's POV: ( really should read the top it's important information you need to know) 

I was going to die. How much more pain could my body handle before I pass out? God, why does this have to happen to me? Haven't I been a good person? Sure I've slept girls, maybe many more. I was so piss drunk half the time I probably left out a few dozen... And yea sure, I've hurt a few people. And yes just two hours ago I swore at my little cousin for kicking my butt in soccer, but seriously? This pain was so unbearable I wanted to die. But why does this have to happen to me? I stared at the clock: it was only 10:00pm, I saw my mate just five hours ago and already I was going through withdrawal. I needed her by my side, to smile at me, to laugh with me, to just exist. But I also desperately craved her presence. I needed her.  

I needed a distraction. So I thought of when I went over to my parent's house after I dropped off Hayley off. I thought back. After Craig LAUGHED at me, I talked to my parents about Hayley. They weren't nearly as concerned as I was about her being my student, to them that was the minor detail, one that could be fixed in just a year and a half. But they were worried that she was human. They had no prejudice about humans, well Jasmine did, but other than her no one really had anything against humans, but a human as a mate. That was completely different. It happened, but very rarely. But every werewolf and human mating process was terminated by the werewolves' very pack. But me being Alpha, it made it so much worse.

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