Chapter 23: Crazy

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I avoided Mr.Night as much as possible. But that was quite difficult, since I was in his bio class. But aside from that I never saw the man. And for that I was glad. But when he would look at me sadly in class my heart would start to pound uncomfortably and I just wanted to be with him. It was killing me. I had so much hate in me, but yet, I felt like there was something about him that made me want to be with him. I wasn’t sure what it was exactly, but I wanted him as much as I wanted him dead.

What drove me nuts was that I would be sitting in class them I would imagine Logan and I together. And not like fantasy together. Like I wouldn’t even be thinking about Logan and I would just suddenly get images of us together. Little things, like us laughing, or fighting or just talking. And it felt so familiar yet, strange and foreign. I would constantly contradict myself with what I wanted, till I finally lost it. I found myself storm into his bio room after school and I screamed “What the hell?”                   

  Mr. Night turned around shocked for a minute then looked at me sadly. “Yes?”                    

“I’m so confused,” I started to ramble, “did you know what I went through? People thought I was CRAZY! I was so terrified that I saw something I shouldn’t have. I was waiting for you to come back and KILL ME like you KILLED HIM! Do you know how crazy someone sounds when they are put into an interrogation room and say “It was a wolf that killed him!” Do you know how bloody that scene was when you left? I still have nightmares. I can’t even sleep through the night since then! They freaking locked me up in a psycho ward! I thought I was crazy! And when I finally get over it, you come back! And I hate you! I really do! I FREAKING HATE YOU! But there is something in me that never wants to leave your side. It’s driving me insane! I mean seriously-“ I continued to ramble on until he cut me off by taking me into his arms and holding me tightly to his chest.                    

I struggled against his grasp. I hit his chest, I kicked, I screamed and cried till I finally gave into his warm embrace. I was truly losing it. I was freaking bipolar. But his arms made me feel so safe. Tons of emotions came back to me that I wasn’t even sure I had! Right before my eyes a whole other life flashed before my eyes. One where I loved his man more than anything, one where I gave me life up for him, a life were we were almost happy.                    

“I’m sorry.” He mumbled over and over again. “I’m so sorry.”                    

It felt like hours till finally he let me go. I looked at him stunned. His blue eyes holding me captive, I tried to move, but it was his intense stare that kept me rooted to the ground. “Tell me.” I whispered.                    

“What?” he asked, his voice low and husky, making me shiver with, well with an emotion I didn’t know.                    

“I- never mind!” I said and I forced my feet to listen to me and I ran out of the room as fast as I could.  I ran down the hallways and out the door and straight into the woods. I just needed to run. I ran as far as I could till I finally collapsed. I landed on the muddy forest floor and just stared into the sky as I tried to catch my breath. The sky looked so peaceful. The color reminded me of Mr. Night’s eyes. I wasn’t sure whether I was afraid of that color or obsessed. I closed my eyes and sighed. I was truly crazy.                        

I woke up in my bed confused. I slowly got up, my head pounding. When did I get here? The last thing I remember was laying in the forest. I looked around me and sighed. I was alone. For some reason I was disappointed. I looked down and saw I was still in my muddy clothes. I forced myself to get up and strip my wet dirty clothes off. I slowly stepped into the bathroom and turned the shower on. When the water was comfortable hot I stepped in and let the water relax my body. I just stood there and went through the motion while my mind was a 100 miles away. How had I gotten home? For some reason the name Logan popped up in my head, but I quickly shoot the idea out of my head knowing that wasn’t even possible.                    

I got out of the shower and put my clothes on. I had just slipped my t-shirt of my head when I caught a glimpse of my arms. I frowned. I had scars all up and down my arms from the times I have cut. I remember how much pain I had been in, how out of control my life had been. It was those things that had led me to do such horrible things to myself. I felt sick when I thought about it. I forced my eyes to focus on something else when I stiffened.                    

“Oh my god!” I screamed in terror as I registered a figure standing in the corner of my room. My heart started be beat faster in terror. I ran towards my door to get out of here when the figure ran up to me and came into the light stopping me from leaving. My heart slowly started to calm down when I recognized the figure. It was Logan Night. What the frack? “What the hell are you doing in here? Did you know you gave me a freaking heart attack!”                    

“I’m sorry.” He said quietly.                    

“How the hell did you get in here?” He motioned to the window and smirked a little. “WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU? A VAMPIRE! I HATED TWILIGHT! COME ON!” I screamed in annoyance. Logan’s smirk just got bigger.                    

“Calm down.” I slowly started to take deep breaths as I forced myself to calm down like he said. “Anyways, I was the one who brought you home so be thankful.”                    

“How am I supposed to be thankful?” I asked my heart rate going up again.                    

“Because you would have frozen to death out there!” he said in a ‘duh’ tone.                    

“Whatever, how did you even find me?”                    

He rolled his eyes at me. “When you ran I followed you.”                    

“And how do you even know where I live?”                    

“Hayley, I’ve been here before.” He said talking to me like I was a child. But he suddenly looked worried and then as if in defeat fell down onto my bed and mumbled “How am I supposed to do this?”                    

“What?” I asked. And in the back of my mind I wonder how I was so calm about him being in my room. I mean I should be even more freaked out! In fact I shouldn’t even be speaking like this! I hope this is just a dream, I thought.                    

“This is so hard! I mean I finally got you back! And you aren’t the Hayley I know!” he moaned, more to himself then me. But I still felt insulted.                    

“Well I’m sorry!” I said sarcasticly                    

“That’s just it! I’m sorry! I did all this because I thought it was for the best! I really did! I thought I could change things for the better but I ended up messing this up! I’ve never felt so helpless before!” he said sadly.                    

And for some reason that tugged on my heart strings, I hated seeing him this way. “I mean, I keep messing up! Over and over again! But look at you now! I made you this way!” he said looking at me agony filling his eyes. That absolutely broke my heart to pieces and that made me so confused. What was going on here? I was suposed to feel only pure hate towards this man. But now don't even mind that he some how found out where I live or that he's in my room right now. I feel sympathy and I think I'm even starting to care for him. This didn't even make sense! I blame this feeling on the fact I was completely and utterly crazy.

I feel crazy writing this....Hayley is so...bipolar...and confused...even her thoughts confuse sorry if you're confused....just trying to finish this story as soon as possible....

Tonight I'm Loving You *My Teacher is a Werewolf* (On hold indefinitely)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora