The Ending. (Bonus Epilogue)

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Hello friends. How are you.

As we all know I am not finishing this story. I just have no more motivation.

But I figured sense so many people love Logan and Hayley as much as I did I'd let you guys have a small peak into their future.


But before you do here's a summary of the current story I'm working on.

You don't have to take a look. But I am really excited about it.

The Sociopath who Ate My Cereal

Lucas Michael Avery is everything a girl could ever want; handsome, smart, funny. Everyone loves him.

Correction everyone loved him.

What happened? Well he's kind of a diagnosed sociopath and now everyone knows it.

Prone to violent outburst a complete disregard for laws and the rights of others and the failure to feel remorse or guilt; Lucas isn't the safest person to be around.

Introducing Candice Rose Waring beautiful blonde, bold and bubbly. Everyone at Saint Mary's School for the gifted wants to either be her, be with her, or be the one to kill her. She's perfect.

She's also Lucas' childhood enemy. And with his arrival back in town she's also his only way to get some shut eye. No. Really. He can't sleep without her.

What do you tell your mom when a sociopath climbs into your bed every night? Nothing that's what.

Why you may ask? Well when he threatens to slice your throat open and eat all the marshmallows out of your Lucky Charms you do as he says.

After all; what kind of monster would eat all the marshmallows out of your Lucky Charms.

Okay. Now on to the story. Enjoy!

Logan's POV

It's been ten years since everything has happened. I couldn't believe everything turned out the way it had.

I looked down at my wife and smiled to myself. Her dark brown hair fanning against her face. Her blue eyes shining brightly at me. She was giggling at the small little boy in her arms. Brushing her noses against his.

I couldn't help but feel the love I had for her rushing through my veins. Hitting me full force. My wolf stirred within me and growled. His lust running through me.

I reminded wolf to calm down. Soon it'd be night. And her and I would have time to ourselves.

As I watched her laugh memories filled me. She had been my student. She had been my human mate. She had been my lover. She had died on me.

I traveled beyond time to save her.

The ironic thing was it wasn't even I who did save her. In fact I ended up having to watch her die for a second time.

I had lost all hope.

But Jace ended up bringing me back to see her uncle. Who once more opened a time warp to save her once more.

Talk about a headache.

During my second jump back in time I met Hayley's mother.

But when the time warp opened up I found myself face to face with the woman who gave my mate life.

Tonight I'm Loving You *My Teacher is a Werewolf* (On hold indefinitely)Where stories live. Discover now