Chapter 20: Time

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so sorry this is so bad, i have writers block and i just suck at writing lately.

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Chapter 20: Time        

Logan’s POV:               

When I was 100% sure she was out of it I slowly got out of the bed and made my way into the living room. Bill, Hayley’s father was waiting for me there already. He looked at me with a sad expression, “is she asleep?” he asked.               

“Yes.” I answered, “Aren’t you ever going to tell her you are here? She really misses you.” I said.               

“I can’t, I can’t see her.” he said               

My vision turned red, I understood it was hard for him but has he ever thought about how Hayley feels? “You can’t see her? Are you serious? She feels abandoned, she feels like she has no one to rely on her! Stop being a bastard and be with your own daughter already!” I said, glaring at him.               

His face grew rosy as he said “How can I just go back to her now? Especially when I left her when she needed me most?”               

“She’ll forgive you, she understands. Losing her mother was hard on her but when you left her it was even harder on her. Suddenly the two most important people in her life left her. It wasn’t just her mother who died to her, you died to when you never came back for her. When you dropped her off at her uncles and never came back.”               

He looked at me sadly and said “So you don’t know?” he said with a lost expression on his face. “She didn’t tell you.”               

“Tell me what?” I asked confused.               

“About what happened?” he asked.               

“What happened!” I screamed nervously.               

“Hayley was raped.” He said, his face turned ashamed.               

“What?” I asked, my whole body turning numb.               

“When Hayley was in fourth grade, she got really close to her teacher, she took him in as her father figure I guess you could say while I was off just avoiding reality. He took advantage of her and raped her. David found out and beat him up, got him arrested, he’s in jail now. But you can image how much I wanted to kill him but couldn’t. It was then I really should have gone to her, been her father when she so desperately needed me. But I couldn’t. I just sent money and continued to travel. David was there thank god or who knows how much emotional damage it could have caused her.” he said.               

My whole body shook and I fought against my wolf that wanted to come to the surface, he wanted to kill someone, anyone. Hayley, oh god! My precious angel, how could that have happened? I walked up to Bill and punched him in the face, “Emotional damage? Are you serious? People tell me she almost stopped talking completely! Teachers tell me she never speaks, she always looks lost. It seems like she almost gave up on living and you think that only minimal damage happened? That girl was completely destroyed! And we didn’t help her a single bit when we both left her!” I screamed, wanting to hit her again. “We both hurt that girl more than her teacher ever did. Now we have to fix it by getting her life back for her. Got it? I don’t’ want to hear you say a single thing, come one. We have a witch to hunt.” I said and stalked out the door, trying to keep my feels void.                But all I could think of was my beautiful Hayley being raped, when this was all over I was going to hunt down that teacher, whether he was in jail or not, I would kill him, and make him suffer more the she ever had. When I gave her back her life I would make him suffer, maybe death would be too nice. It was too nice, death was an escape, what he was going to get was much, much worse.                              

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