Chapter 12 - Spralbert (Spot x Race x Albert)

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- Chapter 12 - "Take Care of Yourself" -
Warning: Stress
Modern AU
Third Person POV

Race was sitting in his Physics class. His head was in his arms on his desk. His professor was droning on about the last bit of material that they needed to know before the test of Wednesday.

It was Thursday, and the test was next week. He had been studying for a while, to the point where he barely slept and ate.

He knew when signing up at MIT, where he was going to college on a full scholarship, that it was gonna be hard and he would have to really work, but he was exhausted.

He looked at the problem on his page. He had no problem idea how to answer this, even after studying all day and all night, everyday. It was like he had never even learned it, like it slipped his mind.

Race scribbled down a quick answer, that probably didn't make sense, and moved onto the next question.

Before he even had a chance to read the question, his teacher started talking again.

Race tried to listen, he really did, but his mind kept drifting off. He needed sleep, and cuddles from his boyfriends.

Albert and Spot. He knew they were starting to get worried about him, but they let him study because they knew he was stressed. They would be worried if they knew he barely ate and slept.

All of his friends would. The Newsies all split up to go to college, but they met monthly, especially over the Holidays. Since it was December, and the next week was the last week of school, then he would see them again.

Snapping out of his thoughts, Race noticed that his professor had stopped talking, a little shocking if you ask him.

He went back to trying to figure out the next question, but it was like he couldn't understand it.

He kept trying to re-read it, but it was like he couldn't process what it meant or was saying.

Tears started to fill his eyes, as he started feeling like a failure. He was so tired, and done, and he just wanted to give up.

Race heard the door of the classroom open up, and like most students, he looked up at the door.

He was shocked to see his two boyfriends.

"Morning Professor Johnson, we have a doctor's note to take Race- I mean Anthony, out of class for the rest of the day" Spot explains to Race's professor while Albert walks over to Race.

Professor Johnson takes the note, reads it, and nods, signing Race out for the day.

Albert helps Race pack up his stuff, and Race doesn't bother questioning anything. He was grateful for them.

When they were finished gathering his stuff, Albert put his arms around Race, guiding him out of the class, as Race could barely walk he was so tired.

Race, Spot, and Albert head into the hallway. Spot puts an around Race's shoulders like Albert had done.

"Which Newsie was that?" Race questions, seeing through their tricks. Albert and Spot laugh.

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