Chapter 60 - Smace (Ace x Smokes)

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- Chapter 60 - "Would Cuddles Help?" -
Warnings: Avoiding, soaking, turf war, other stuff
Canon Era
Third Person POV

Smokes walks down the Brooklyn dock.

His fists were balled and it was obvious he was tense.

He didn't say hi to anyone he passed.

He ignored Ace.

The taller, blonde haired boy looked confused when his boyfriend avoided him.


Maybe he just didn't see me?

No... he literally stepped past me, again...

Ace frowns, his green-ish blue eyes watching Smokes as if someone had melted the ice in them and all that was left was the confusion and hurt.

Spot saw this.

Spot makes eye contact with Red, Cloths, and Hotshot.

Red walks over to Ace, putting his arm around him and leads him to sit down on the edge of the dock.

Spot caught multiple other boys looking between Ace and Smokes.

Spot gestures for Hotshot and Cloth to follow him.

Smokes had walked to sit down on a crate near the Lodge, picking at his nails.

Spot walks up to him, his eyes cold.

Smokes looks up. "Do you need something, Spot?" He asks calmly.

"Yeah, I do." Spot responds shortly. "Come on," he pulls Smokes up.

Smokes doesn't say anything as Spot guides him to an alleyway next to the Lodge.

Smokes leans against the wall in the alley.

Spot stares at him. "What's up with you?" He asks. "You just ignored Ace, and have been trying to for the past few days, and," he holds up Smokes' right hand. "You only pick your nails when you're anxious."

Smokes shrugs, not bothering to pull his arm away from his leader.

Spot drops his arm. Smokes knew he was a horrible lair, which was why he wasn't saying anything.

"I'm gonna get mad." Spot mutters, turning to face the other two boys in the alley. "You deal with this."

Hotshot and Cloth nod.

Spot leans against the alley wall near the entrance, looking out and at Ace.

He looked like he wasn't speaking, and he was in deep thought.

Spot closed his eyes, taking deep breaths.

Couples drama is going to be the death of me...

"Smokes," Cloth takes the younger boy's hands. "Talk to us, please." He stares into Smokes' brown eyes.

He could see the fear and guilt behind the blocks in Smokes' eyes.

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