Chapter 119 - Spralbert (Spot x Race x Albert)

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- Chapter 119 - Pretty Boy -
Warnings: very light mentions of abuse, mostly happy stuff with a few little mentions of injuries, scars, and bruises lol
Modern AU
Third Person POV

A/N, yes. The thing I made up top is crappy. I'm learning lol.
Bubbles070506 , Nix_and_Zachs_pf , and berrythenewsie all voted for this chapter to celebrate 30k reads! Thank you again!
( bright_raes also sort of voted for this, but sort of didn't lol.)

Race was a pretty boy.

A very pretty boy.

Albert and Spot both agreed so.

Even if he wasn't always the cleanest, he was a very pretty boy, and he always cleaned up nicely.

Race hated his scars. He hated his facial structure. He hated many things about himself.

Albert and Spot, on the other hand, loved everything about him.

They loved his scars. They thought it made him look hot.

They loved his face.

The one thing they hated about it was that they couldn't kiss those perfect lips and caress his perfect, beautiful face.

That's what sucked about him being a pretty boy.

That, and the jealousy that bubbled in their stomachs every time they watched someone flirt with him.

Thankfully, he always turned them down.

Albert was pulled out of his train of thought when he saw a girl approach Race out of the corner of his eye.

She smirked at him and slipped a paper in his hand, closing it.

She blew him a kiss and walked away, giggling with her friends.

Albert felt jealousy bubble in his stomach as he watched, but he kept a straight face.

Race looked at the paper. He smiled softly and shook his head. He walked over to the group Albert was standing with, holding his books against his chest. "That's the third time this week," he informed them.

Albert swallowed hard.

"Why haven't you said "yes" then?" Blink asked, his arms wrapped around Mush.

"She's beautiful, but I'm not interest," Race explained. He looked at Albert and smirked. "You want her number, Al?" he teased him. "I'm sure she's the leg of lamb you're looking for."

Albert rolled his eyes playfully. "I'm flattered, Racer, but I'll pass," he responded, trying not to glare at the paper. "She'd find it weird if I texted her when she gave her number to you."

Race laughed.

It was a delightful sound in Albert's ears.

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