Chapter 24 - Brotherly Fluff With the Racer

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- Chapter 24 - His Mom -
Warnings: Bullying (kinda), talks of death. Sad Racer
Canon Era
Third Person POV

With no thoughts, Race walks into the Manhattan Lodge.

Everyone's eyes immediately turned to him when he opened the door.

Jack shot up. "Where were you?!" He exclaims, sounding like he wanted to be loud, but couldn't because kids were asleep upstairs. "You just disappeared!"

"I was out for a walk." Race answers, his voice emotionless.

He shuts the door.

Finch and Albert share a look. That can't be good.

"A walk?" Jack questions, raising an eyebrow. "You could've at least told us! We haven't seen you since you left to go to Sheepshead this morning." He states. "It's past midnight, Racer."

"Glad you seem to have a sense of time." Race mutters, heading to the stairs.

Jack makes eye contact with Blink.

Blink nods, blocking the stairs.

Race scowls.

"We even went to Spot to see where you were." Jack explains. "I had to lie to Spot and tell him you were okay since I know you wouldn't want the King of Brooklyn on you about disappearing, too!"

"Are you done lecturing me on this?" Race snaps, turning around to face him. "Thank you for not telling Spot, thank you for caring, but let it go. Some things aren't worth the trouble." He stages.

"You're right." Jack starts, causing some of the boys to look at him like he's crazy.

He shoots them looks.

"Some things aren't worth the trouble," He steps towards Race. "But Race, everything with you is worth the trouble."

Jack lifts Race chin to look at him.

Race's tough face faltered a bit, and Jack could see tears fill his eyes.

"What happened, Racer?" Jack whispers, concerned for his brother.

"I- I just needed space." Race whispers. "I just needed to clear my head for a bit."

"I don't believe that, Racer." Jack whispers. "I never believe that lie with you. Tell me the truth, please."

"We found your bag." Race looks at Romeo, who held his bag. "It had about thirty to forty papes left." He whispers.

Race mentally curses.

"It was a rough selling day..." he mutters, his eyes trailing back down to the floor.

"I can see that." Jack states. "Wanna tell us why? And what's bothering you?" He asks.

Race shakes his head.

"Race..." Jack warns.

Race zoned out.

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