Chapter 109 - Spot x Race x Albert x Finch

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- Chapter 109 - A Whole New York -
Warnings: It's fluffyyyy
Modern/Soulmate AU
Third Person POV

A/N, this (ship) was requested by TheTransCowboy so thank you. I hope you like the idea that I came up with!




Those were the only colors Finch had seen his whole life.

It got pretty boring only seeing in black and white.

Finch had no idea what he looked like. He was told he had brown eyes and a sandish-brown colored hair.

Of course, he'd always wished he could see color, but he'd learned to accept it.

Currently, Finch was walking down a street in Queens, New York City.

He was just staring at the ground, when he heard something.

"I missed Queens, at least a bit. It's weird seeing where I lived for six years."

Finch barely had time to think about the fact that the high-pitched voice sounded like it was getting closer before he collided with someone.

Finch felt someone grab his wrist and stop him from falling.

Finch looked up to find a boy, the person who had grabbed his wrist, and two other boys. The shortest of the three boys was in the arms of another boy, who looked just barely taller than him.

Finch assumed he had caught him.

Suddenly, shock hit him.

Finch let's out an audible gasp. "Oh my gosh..." he whispers. "Is this color?" He looks around.

Two of the boys in front of him chuckle at him.

"Our last Soulmate," the boy who had caught Finch's wrist mumbles. "The reason we couldn't see shades of orange." He realizes.

Realizing a random boy still held his wrist, Finch blushed and pulled his hand away, pulling it against his chest.

The boy chuckles.

Finch pulls out his phone. He quickly opens the camera app. Finch deadpans. "No, I don't want the black and white filter, I saw that for years." He grumbles, switching the filter.

The same two boys chuckle again.

Finch gasps when he sees himself. "Hey... I don't look half bad." He says.

"Not at all." The second boy mutters, looking Finch up and down. He lets go of the shortest boy, though holds his hand.

Finch blushes, putting his phone away. He looks at the one who had caught his wrist. "What color is your hair?" He whispers, sounding embarrassed to ask.

The boy just smiles. "My hair is red, like Spot's shirt." He points to the second boy's shirt.

Finch nods. "I like it." He mumbles.

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