Chapter 136 - Race Centered (Slight Spralbert)

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- Chapter 136 - Not Fine and Not Okay -
Warnings: death angst, major character death, slight overstimulation, crying, worry, trouble processing
Canon Era
Third Person POV

Note: Yeah, I'm so sorry in advance for this, but I got the idea and impulsivity got the best of me, so...
Sorry lol.
You know, I could've chosen to write fluff and I decided against it.
So, sorry again! Enjoy! (Because people seem to like my death angst anyway, even if it makes them cry lol.)


Dead as a doornail.

Deader than yesterday's paper.

Race didn't even know if "deader" was a word.

He didn't know anything. His mind couldn't remember anything.

Anything but that horrid image and the fact that this brother was dead.

Jack was dead.

There were a million ways to phrase it, but it didn't change the fact.

Jack was gone and would never come back.

Race sat on a bunk in the bunk room.

The silent bunk room.

There were other people in the bunk room. Or- maybe there weren't.

Race wasn't sure.

There was one thing Race was sure of, and he didn't want to be sure of it.

Race sat there, his shoulders sagged and him staring at the floor.

It was like he was trying to process this information, but yet... he knew he was gone.

Jack was never coming back.

A sound.

A loud ring.

Race's head shot up at the familiar noise.

The doorbell.

Race quickly got up. He opened the door to the room, pausing when he was about to leave. He closed the door a bit.

A terrible screeching noise came from the door.

Race cringed. It was loud—painfully loud—in the silent house. He quickly let go of the door and left the room.

There were Newsies downstairs.

His brothers.

Jack was his brother too.

But these boys were alive. They were his alive brothers.

Jack was dead.

Race ignored his thoughts and walked to the door.

There were eyes on him.

Too many eyes.

They needed to mind their own business. They needed to stop watching him.

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