Chapter 4 - Spelmer (Spot x Elmer)

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- Chapter 4 - The Coffee Shop -
Modern AU
Third Person POV

"Hello!" Elmer exclaims, grinning. "Welcome to our cafe! What can I get you today?!" He asks excitedly, bouncing on the balls of his feet.

His happy, peppy voice made Race chuckle from behind Elmer, where he was watching him.

Elmer had recently gotten a job at a local cafe, one that Race had worked at for a while.

Race was helping him learn how everything works and Elmer was currently taking orders.

Elmer and Race had been friends for a while.

Elmer had been with Jack when Jack found Race and took him in to Miss Medda Larkin's orphanage in Manhattan.

Elmer and Race usually hung out with Albert, JoJo, Henry, and Buttons, occasionally the other boys/girls, but they were one big group. None of the boys/girls could be separated.

The costumer looks up at Elmer, a small smile starting on his face.

Spot had had a rough day and he needed coffee, so he decided to go to the local cafe.

There, a cute boy's happy voice asked him what he wanted.

"(AN I don't coffee lol.) Coffee please." Spot orders.

Elmer types it into the register. "Anything else?" He asks, the peppy/happiness never leaving his voice.

Spot's heart melted at Elmer's genuine grin, making him smile a little as well.

Spot could tell Elmer was a positive and innocent person, and Elmer made Spot feel funny, like he wanted to protect Elmer, even though he barely knew him.

By now, Specs had gotten ready to help Race and had come out.

Race was leaning against the wall, outside of the door, chuckling at Elmer.

Specs joined him in watching Elmer, who made literally everyone he saw/met happy.

"No thanks, Cutie." Spot winks at Elmer

Elmer nods, before realizing what Spot just called him.

Elmer's face reddens. "Okay- be- be right- out." He stammers, obviously shocked and flustered as he fumbles over his words.

Spot chuckles at Elmer.

Elmer goes back over to Race and Specs, really confused and redder than Albert's hair.

"Good job, El!" Race high-fives him, looking like a proud brother.

Elmer was older than Race, not by a lot, but he was, even if Race was mentally older than Elmer.

Elmer sneaks a look at Spot, who was on his phone. "What do you do if a costumer f-flirts with you?" He asks quietly.

Specs and Race laugh.

"If they're cute, you slip them your number, and flirt back." Race answers.

Specs slaps his arm. "Don't ruin the adorable, innocent soul that is Elmer." He tells him.

Race rolls his eyes.

Specs turns back to face Elmer, smiling softly. "Just become friends, kay, El?" He tells him.

Elmer nods.

Then, he remembered something. "Oh yeah, can you get his order?" Elmer asks, remembering that they still have a job to do.

Specs and Race laugh again, ruffling Elmer's hair.

"I'll do it." Race responds.

Elmer hugs him as a thank you.

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