Chapter 38 - Race x Romeo

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- Chapter 38 - Flirty and Flirtier -
Warnings: I can't write flirting for the life of me
Modern AU
Third Person POV

Race walks into the Cafe near his dorm, rubbing his eyes slightly.

He was tired.

It was finals week and finals always drained Race.

As a student at MIT, everything was draining.

Race still loved it.

Race had been to this Cafe many times, but today was different and not just because he felt like he could actually pass out from exhaustion.

There was a new boy working at the register.

Or- Race had never seen him before.

He was about the same height as Race, wore a blue and red flannel, had darker skin, brown eyes, and darker brown hair.

He was honestly kinda cute.

When the boy noticed Race, he smirked.

That made the blush on Race's cheeks a bit more obvious.

"Good morning," the boy greets. "How can I help you today?" He asks.

"I honestly need like fifteen i caffé so I don't pass out." Race answers, yawning slightly.

The boy chuckles.

"I'll take il caffé, per favore." Race tells the boy softly.

The boy looks at Race. "Are you going to translate or should I pull out Google translate?" he asks.

Race laughs a bit. "Sorry. I forget not everyone speaks Italian sometimes." He responds.

The boy laughs a bit. "I get it. It's a beautiful language, but I don't know it." He tells Race.

"One coffee please." Race translates.

The boy nods, grabbing a cup.

"Do you have a name or should I just put 'beautiful'?" The boy asks Race, looking at him out of the corner of his eye with a smirk.

Race turns bright red. "Antonio." He mumbles.

"No offense to your name, but I prefer beautiful." The boy comments nonchalantly, looking at the cup as he writes Race's name on it.

Race was having a hard time processing the situation because he was so flustered. "Do you have a name- or?" He questions.

The boy laughs. "Romeo." He answers. "Well-" he stops writing for a moment. "That's the name my friends gave me. I like it better than my real name, Rowan." He sticks his tongue out in disgust.

Race nods. "Same here. I don't mind my real name and I tend to use it for most things, like getting coffee, because people tend to think 'Racetrack' is weird." He tells Romeo.

Romeo laughs a bit. "Got it."

Race drums his fingers on the counter, a nervous habit he gained.

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