Chapter 16 - Spralbert (Race x Spot x Albert)

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- Chapter 16 - Found -
Warnings: Abuse, injuries, angst
Canon Era
Third Person POV

"Race!" A familiar voice shouts, causing Race to stop in his tracks.

He had been going by his actual first name, but he knew that they knew it, so there was no point.

Race turns around, coming face-to-face with his past 'boyfriends'.

He didn't know if they were all technically still dating or if they were 'ex's since he left, but he didn't care enough to figure it out.

Race turns around, not even trying to put a fake smile on his face.

Spot looked angry, really angry.

It made Race feel a tiny bit guilty.

"Where did you go?!" Spot shouts, stomping up to him. "You left us! Next thing we know, most of us have given up looking for you, and after three years- Three years, Racer! We find you in Staten Island!"

"Congrats." Race growls out, turning to face the two older boys. "You've found me, and succeeded in making me feel more guilty than I already had been." He looks the two boys in the eyes. "Are you happy?"

"Race," Albert's voice was soft, especially compared to Spot's. "That was not our goal. We just want to know why you left." He takes Race's hand in his own. Race's was still small compared to his. "Please."

Race's tough composure almost fell, but he managed to keep it up.

As much as he didn't want to, he pulled his arm away from Albert. "No."

"No?" Spot growls. "No?!" Race flinches. "We've been looking for you and an explanation for three years, Race! And all you have to say is 'no'?"

"Yes." Race's voice didn't sound as tough as before, and Albert could hear it.

Spot, however, was blind to this fact.

Blind with anger, and worry, and sadness, and every other emotion that he had held in for three years.





And so many more.

"Why?!" Spot continues shouting. "Why did you leave us, Race?! Why are you refusing to tell us?! What did we do to you?!"

Spot stops for a moment, waiting for an answer.

When Race doesn't answer, he just gets even more mad. "We're family, Race! And your boyfriends! Family. Doesn't. Leave!" Spot lowers his voice. "I can tell you that I would've never left you."

Race feels tears sting his eyes. "Family doesn't understand certain things sometimes. Family can't always help you." He snaps bitterly. "Maybe, you leave to protect your family sometimes!" Race was smiling, but it was angry. "And what do you get in return?!"

Spot stays silent.

"What, Spot?" Race whispers. "What did I get in return?"

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