Chapter 42 - Spralbert (Spot x Race x Albert)

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- Chapter 42 - Baseball Friendships -
Warnings: Flufffff
Modern AU
Third Person POV

A/N, I had an idea and even though it might be cringy, I love the idea lol. (The picture is a conversation I had with my sister today. I'm the blue text and I failed at typing.)
(Also, you don't have to, but I really need (any) comments right now.)

Race watched as the ball flew over the fence and into his new neighbors yard.

He cringes, lowering the bat that had been over his shoulder.

The boys look at him.

"Who's getting that?" Finch asks slowly, looking between the boys.

"It's Race's neighbor and he hit the ball..." JoJo trails off, looking at Race.

Race mentally curses, shooting JoJo a not-so-subtle glare. "Is this really how I'm meeting my new neighbors?" He questions, looking at his brothers.

"You'd rather one of us, who aren't their neighbors, met them?" Jack asks him, leaning against the fence.

"Fine." Race gives in, throwing the bat on the ground in front of him. "I'm going to get it," he grumbles, starting to walk off.

"Don't look so sad, Racer." Henry tells him, a playful smirk on his face. "Maybe there'll be a cute boy there." He teases.

Race rolls his eyes, making a mental note to regret telling the boys his sexuality later.

"Miss Hannah (his foster mother)!" Race shouts, cupping his hands over his mouth like a microphone. "I'm heading to get our ball from the neighbor's house!" His eyes were closed while he yelled.

He hated yelling.

"Okay, Race!" Hannah shouts back from inside the house.

"Give them some warning, won't you?" Blink jokes, pulling Mush into his arms.

Mush turns bright red.

Race rolls his eyes.

He grabs his hat, securing it on his head, some of his dirty, blonde curls poking out from under it.

He liked it that way though.

Race grabs his blue, white, and green flannel from the fence, where most of the boy's shirts or flannels were thrown.

He ties it around his waist.

Race opens the gate to leave the yard.

The boys/his chosen brothers wave to him, tease him about the chance of there being cute boys, and tell him to be safe as he closes the gate.

The distance between Race's yard and his neighbors wasn't much, but both of their yards were relatively big.

It was a hot day in Manhattan, New York, being about 89 degrees Fahrenheit.

After running around a lot, most of the boys were covered in sweat or water that they poured on themselves.

Crutchie was, as they named it, the 'Hose Master' because he sprayed the boys off when they wanted to be cold.

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