Chapter 141 - Race x JoJo - Part 2

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- Chapter 141 - Unbroken Promises -
Warnings: the Refuge, isolation, starvation, beatings, blood, injuries, worry, crying, breaking, Snyder the Spider
Canon Era
Third Person POV

Author's Note: this was technically already in the works, but two people "requested" a part 2 anyways so I'm just going to tag them lol: iwantaferret_ and BrooklynNewsie . I hope you enjoy!

"You're going to tire yourself out, Jo."

It had been two weeks.

Two weeks since JoJo found out why Race was sent to isolation and that he had gotten out.

"Racetrack is out of isolation," Shadows informed the group of Newsies.

A collective sigh of relief came from the group, and JoJo swore he could cry at the news.

"Thank God," Davey muttered.

"Scraps is treating his injuries," Shadows continued. "They don't know the extent of them and they don't have many supplies, but from what Scraps can see, he's bruised and scraped up all over and he suffered some injury to his head. They tried to wash the blood out of his roots, but they don't have enough water and it hurt him too much, so he looks a bit like a redhead now, as he says," he explained.

JoJo felt worry wash over him again. He squeezed Specs's hand.

Shadows turned to JoJo. "He told me to tell you he loved you. 'Ti amo', he said." He let the shadow of a smile grace his lips. "He and Scraps sat by the window talking about you and him, and he promised he'd get out and back to you."

JoJo burst into tears, turning to face Specs and collapsing in his arms.

Shadows frowned a bit. He turned back to the rest of the Newsies. "Scraps say he's going to be fine if he doesn't anger Snyder any more, but he blames you for that." He pointed to Jack.

Jack rolled his eyes fondly. "You teach a kid how to be a good leader and Newsie and protect himself-"

"Actually, that one was Brooklyn," Spot cut in.

Jack rolled his eyes again. "-and everyone blames you because the kid came out stubborn," he grumbled.

Davey raised an eyebrow at him, but didn't say anything.

Sparks looked away, rubbing the back of his neck sheepishly. "Yep. I have no idea what you're talking about." He whistled a bit, trying to play it off. "Totally didn't raise both you and Race."

Amused, Sparrow chuckled, shaking his head.

For two weeks, JoJo had been selling double to try and earn enough money to get Race out. He was using both his and Race's paper bags.

And of course, people caught on.

"Jo, I want to get Race out too, but selling double is going to take a toll on you and something could happen to you," Elmer tried to tell him, clearly there because Specs sent him.

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