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Tell me anything and I will believe it. I know almost nothing about you.


When we got back to Nathaniel's house, he carried me to his bedroom and placed me on his bed. I still had the hospital gown on.

"What's your size? I need to get you some new clothes, cotton made, any other fabric will irritate your skin more."

"Take a guess."

He wasn't entertaining this, "Juliet, you need to start taking things seriously."

I like it when he calls me by my name.

"And you need to start taking things more lightly. Why are you always so serious?"

His eyes tend to turn a darker shade whenever agitated. I've noticed this. He looked down at me with displeasure.

"Size four." I replied.

He nodded.

"I'm getting you vegetable soup. For now, until you are healed, you'll be having soup every afternoon. No dairy, no beef, no milk, no butter, no yoghurt. Fish and chicken only, boiled. Dinner, salads. We're avoiding fats and oils, your skin will heal faster and better this way."

I don't know how this makes me feel, relieved? Or deprived?

"How do I look?be honest please." I asked him.

He stood by the edge of the bed next to me.

"Red and fluffy." .

Interesting description.

"So I look like a pig....thank you."

I'm really trying not to panic, the only thing keeping me calm is knowing that Nathaniel healed perfectly and if he's taking care of me then I'll be fine.

"Atleast you are recognizable." That voice is blunt and relentless as usual. Does he even know his words are making me feel worse? I'm in pain, and sore, be nice to me.

"I need to make a phone call to my professor, he should know what happened to me. Can you get my purse please? I left it in the living room last night."

"What about your family? They should know first before your college professor don't you think?"

"I told you before, I don't live with them." I reminded.

Nathaniel gave me a doubtful look but didn't say anything else and simply fetched the purse for me.

"A woman is coming over soon, a nurse. But I won't be around , so just welcome her, she has been here before. It's going to be hard taking a shower by yourself and massaging your skin with the essential oils prescribed. The nurse will help you with that. She'll make sure you follow up on medication as well. She won't be here at night, so I'll care for you instead."

I stared at him intuitively.

So, Nathaniel will be massaging my body with oils when the nurse's shift is over....mmhhh..... Do I , or do I not like this plan?

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