chapter twenty eight: I wish you would

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I can't remember the last time I was at a museum, let alone a charity event. This function is to save the snowy owls, animals I didn't even know were endangered. I'm totally uneducated about what's going on.

Yet, I pulled out a new suit and tie to look my best for the job Kenzie is working at. I was surprised when she invited us to tag along. Connor's entire family is attending and his sister organized everything. In a way, I feel like I have no business being here.

There's still a lot of awkward tension on my end whenever I'm around Connor. It's my own personal ego and jealousy coming into play. But I haven't seen Kenzie in awhile, and that pains me.

I miss everything about her. Her smile, her laugh, the way she rolls her eyes when I make a dumb joke. I'm happy she's with Connor, but the missing void of her lingers through me every now and then.

As Ethan, Jade, Adam and I step through the glass doors of the history museum, I feel intimidated. Usually nothing makes me feel this way, but I'm nervous about tonight.

Kenzie is going to be running around with Connor and his family. I have to watch her hang all over him. I'm never prepared for that.

"This place is beautiful." Jade says in awe as she glances around. The inside is all gold, with a shiny chandelier hanging right at the entrance.

"I feel like I'm in a palace." Ethan agrees while fixing the button on the cuff of his dress shirt.

"It's so cool that Mackenzie is working here. She'll have a lot of things to take pictures of." Adam agrees as we walk further into the museum. There's statues all over, ones I admire and take in.

"Are we late?" I mutter as I look around at all of the unfamiliar faces. It's pretty crowded in here. There's lots of women in expensive gowns along with men in spiffy tuxedos. I hope I'm not too underdressed.

"No, Mackenzie had to be here early to set everything up. It started at seven." Jade answers for me.

"It's seven thirty." Adam looks down at the watch on his wrist.

"Who cares? We're here." Ethan clears his throat.

"Why exactly are we here?" I ask as the four of us stand in a row. It looks like we're fish out of water.

"Connor said Mackenzie could bring her friends. Apparently he wants to bond with us. I think it's sweet." Jade says while smoothing out her light purple dress.

"Bond?" My eyebrows knit together as I look at them.

"Yeah, so don't be a dick." Ethan says as he walks down the steps.

"I won't." I roll my eyes and follow his lead.

As I'm glancing around, I spot Kenzie snapping a photo of an ice sculpture. My heart skips a beat when she turns to look our way.

She's wearing a stunning baby blue dress. It hugs her body and shows off her amazing curves. I hate how I can't stop eyeing her.

She grins at us and walks over. The first person she hugs is Jade. "Hey, I'm so glad you guys are here."

"We're so proud of you! This is your big break." Jade laughs while looking at her.

"It was an honor to get an invite." Adam agrees.

"Yeah, it's nice that Connor allowed us to come." My twin nods.

Kenzie's eyes meet mine, and her expression shifts. Her smile slowly fades as she stares at me. "Well, thanks for being here."

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