chapter seventeen: king of my heart

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I've spent this past week getting to know Charlie. I'll admit, I judged him too quickly. I normally don't do that, but I'm still very protective of my father. With that being said, Charlie is slowly warming up to me. Mom and I have been eating dinner with him and doing basic things, such as grocery shopping.

I forgot what it was like to have a male figure around me. He'll never be my dad, that void of him missing is still as clear as day, but he's very nice and put-together. I wouldn't expect anything less from Mom, though. I guess she has great taste in men. Just like me.

Grayson has been amazing lately, more than usual. He's been there for me on an emotional level and hasn't left my side. He's constantly checking on me and seeing how my budding relationship with Charlie has been.

I never thought I would see Grayson so protecting and loving. This side of him is really nice and gives me a sense of comfort. It made me realize that I'm the one who brought this out in him.

He's never acted this way around a girl before. He always has a wall up and doesn't take them seriously. It's making me question everything I ever thought about him.

He's starting to become way more than my best friend. I get excited to see him everyday, more than I ever used to. The way he kisses me sends me into a heat wave of passion.

The way he cuddles with me after we watch a sappy romantic comedy allows a zoo to appear in my stomach. I'm terrified of these feelings because I know what they mean.

I always try to distract myself whenever those thoughts creep into my brain. Letting out a sigh, I grab a new bridal magazine and flip through it. I finally finished my vision board and I want to start a new one.

As I begin to think of my very own wedding, I used to picture celebrities that I love at the altar waiting for me. It was a good way to figure who my Prince Charming would be in an alternate fairytale universe. Now I'm starting to slowly think about Grayson when I skim through these magazines.

I know he never wanted to get married, but what if he changes his mind? What if this soft and sappy side to him is becoming permanent? I do feel like he would be a great boyfriend and husband. My mind has been wandering to places it shouldn't lately, and it's very dangerous to even have these thoughts.

A rock suddenly crashes against my bedroom window, snapping me out of my daze. I jump at the loud noise. It happens again and I rise to my feet. Peering through the blinds, I see Grayson standing in my driveway with rocks in his hand.

I open the window and furrow my eyebrows, looking down at him. "What the hell are you doing?"

"I wanted to get your attention." He smirks while rolling the rocks around his palm.

"By trying to break my window? I have a doorbell, you know. And a phone." I sigh and begin to shake my head at his stupidity.

"What are you doing right now?" He disregards my previous question.

"I was going to start another vision board." My eyes stay focused on him. Even through the darkness I can see a small grin taking over his lips.

"Of course you were, that's typical." His head shakes lightly.

"If you're just going to insult my hobbies then I'm closing the window-"

"I want to take you somewhere." He cuts me off.

"Now?" My eyes widen as I glance down at the hoodie and sweatpants that are taking over my body. "It's ten o'clock."

"So? Does fun expire at nine thirty? Come on, get your cute little ass out here."

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