chapter eight: delicate

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"I wish you didn't have to go into work." I groan while looking at Jade across from me. She's popping a salty french fry into her mouth while glancing down at the watch on her wrist.

"You have my full attention for approximately seven more minutes. Make it count." She teases with a chuckle.

"Maybe I'll come to the mall and visit you. I need some new mascara." Having one of your best friends work at Sephora is the biggest blessing. I always get discounted makeup, which comes in handy when I'm trying out new looks.

"No plans with Grayson tonight? I feel like you haven't seen the boys much since the party. I mean, you specifically told me to make sure Adam wasn't around today." She leans forward and raises an eyebrow up, clearly confused by my recent behavior.

I take a sip from my milkshake and try to come up with an answer to her statement. "I wanted to have a girls day, we're with the boys too much."

"You know I'm always down for that, I'm just shocked Grayson isn't attached to your hip." She giggles while eating another fry.

"We aren't together twenty four seven." I shake my head and sigh.

"Yes, you are. I'm shocked you can make it a few days without him."

I can tell Jade is onto me and that makes me nervous. What am I supposed to say? I made out with Grayson and my entire world shifted?

I've been avoiding him since we talked in the ocean. I tried to act as if I didn't remember our steamy moment, but that was a total lie. I remembered everything about that night. Every. Goddam. Thing.

The way his lips felt against mine, the way he looked at me in the backyard, the way he held onto me as our tongues collided. A part of me is yearning for more. Much more.

I never think about sex or hookups, but for some reason I keep questioning what Grayson's like in bed. He always brags about sleeping with girls, so he must be good at what he does.

Getting drunk the other night loosened me up and made me realize that having fun is what every twenty two year old should be doing. Yet another part of me wants to remain in denial, so I've done my best to keep busy. I need to get the kiss out of my head.

"Anyway, I need to head out. I have to get ready for my shift." Jade says while grabbing her purse and swinging it onto her shoulder. "Thanks for lunch, I had a great afternoon."

"See you tomorrow." I smile and blow her a kiss, which is our signature.

As Jade exits Flo's, I run a hand through my hair and sigh. It's Friday night and I'm blowing off my friends all because of a kiss that shouldn't have happened. I quickly put my tip down on the table and head over to the parking lot.

As I get into the driver's seat I hear my phone ding with a text. A slight part of me is hoping it's Connor with an update from California, if he even got there yet. Everything would've been so simple if he didn't go on a road trip after our romantic date.

I dig my phone out of my purse and see that it's Adam.

having a fire on the beach tonight. you down?

I pull my bottom lip between my teeth and think of a reply. At least I know the twins will be over there. I type out a quick message to him and press send without overthinking it.

can't, have to edit some photos for clients. raincheck?

As I drive over to my house, I try to distract myself by singing along to the song Are You Bored Yet? by Wallows. I hum to the melody and tap my fingertips against the top of the steering wheel.

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