chapter five: ...ready for it?

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"Why do you keep checking your phone?" I hear Ethan ask Kenzie as I push the shopping cart through the grocery store.

"I was looking at the time." She mutters while placing the device in the back pocket of her white denim shorts. She tries to distract herself by toying with the fishtail braid in her hair.

"She's waiting for Connor to text her with updates on his mission across the U.S." I call her out while throwing chips and salsa into the cart.

"Ah, I should've known. You're very antsy." My twin laughs while pointing a finger at her.

"No, I'm not. I just noticed Grayson put a very spicy brand of salsa into the cart. Do you want your guests to choke?" She scoffs while motioning toward it.

"Hey, it's not my grad party. I didn't even go to college." Ethan throws his hands up in defense.

"Nice lie but I see right through your bullshit." I look back at her.

Does she really think she can fool me? I know this woman inside and out. I can always tell when she's lying, and right now her poker face is see-through.

"I'm not in the mood for your crap, Grayson. I know you're going to make fun of me." She admits while shooting me a glare.

I notice the annoyed expression on her face and instantly feel bad. I don't have a soft spot for many girls, but Kenzie is an exception.

Sometimes when I look at her I see the moment we met. It happened when my teacher introduced her to our fourth grade class. She was a timid girl who barely spoke and always sat alone at lunch. I used to give her cookies just to make her crack a small smile.

She's grown a lot over the years, but sometimes I still see that little girl who was scared of her own shadow.

Pressing my lips into a line, I quickly wrap my arm around her shoulder and pull her close to me. "Me making fun of my best friend? Never." I tease yet again.

"Fine, I was looking to see if Connor texted me. It's been a few days and I'm already wishing he was still here. How pathetic am I?"

"You aren't pathetic." I frown and look down at her. "You like the guy, I get it."

"He was actually normal. Every guy I meet on a dating app is creepy, I liked Connor's charm and personality."

"Don't look too deep into it, guys hate that. You two met and had fun, now only time will tell." My twin encourages her.

"I hate this waiting part. Maybe I should text him." She says while pulling her phone out of her back pocket.

"Don't do that." I roll my eyes and practically pull it out of her grip.

"Why not?" She says with an eager tone.

"Once again, you'll seem desperate. You're way better than some whining chick who can't take a hint."

"Oh shush." Kenzie scoffs.

I know situations like this frustrate her. Kenzie is definitely stubborn and hates it when she can't get her way.

It's the ranging Virgo in her. She's uptight and picky when it comes to things. She's been on this search for her Prince Charming for so long, I feel like she's had her mind set on that since the day she was born.

It's ironic she keeps picking total douchebags to date. I thought her high school boyfriend Richie was a complete asshole. I saw right through his shit. Her second boyfriend, the one from Nevada, was a lot nicer.

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