chapter one: cruel summer

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-one year earlier-

The sex just isn't doing it for me anymore. I never thought that sentence would creep into my mind, but it's the truth.

I shouldn't settle for mediocre sex if the girl I'm doing it with is starting to bore me to death. That's the only thing keeping me in this relationship.

I let out a sigh as my current girlfriend, Rose, runs in circles around me on the beach. Dressed in a bright yellow bikini, she giggles as she splashes me.

To be completely honest, everything about her is damn near perfection on the outside. She is stunningly beautiful with light blue eyes and full soft lips.

Her long blonde hair is shiny and glows under the sun. Her body is absolutely incredible. She has a small waist with wider hips. Her tits are the perfect size and don't even get me started on her ass.

Aside from that, she is incredibly high maintenance. All she cares about is the money she has and flaunts it around like it's nothing. Everyone knows she's wealthy because it's all she talks about.

She's super clingy and never leaves me alone. I can't even go to the bathroom without her following me around like a lost puppy.

She's always trying to snoop through my phone to see who I'm texting. All my friends hate her, which is a major red flag. Whenever she doesn't get her way she whines like a five year old. If I'm having a night out with the boys she will constantly text me to tell me she misses me.

Oh, and she pretty much turns into the devil when Kenzie is around me. Her jealousy is pure evil and it's not a good look on her. I don't think I can deal with this three month relationship anymore.

"Gray!" Rose squeals while splashing me again. "What's running through your mind? You totally just blanked on me."

"A lot of things." I mutter under my breath.

"Gosh, that's why I'm so into you." She keeps a wide smile on her face. "You're always in deep thought!"

"Yeah, I guess so." I gulp and run my hands through the water.

"I would love to know what you're thinking!" She giggles again. It's an annoying sound that would make little kids miserable.

Trust me, you don't. I'm thinking of all the ways I can break up with you.

The simple 'it's not you, it's me' speech probably won't work on a dramatic woman like Rose. I'm going to have to tell her that I'm moving to another country and changing my name to work for the FBI. That's the only way she'll let me go.

I snap out of my breakup mission and sigh. We aren't deep into the water, which is a good thing. I don't think I can stay on this beach with her any longer. "Are you ready to head back yet?"

"Only if you carry me to our stuff." She pouts while connecting her hands around me.

"Fine." I sigh and lift her up into my arms.

"I love how strong you are!" Another giggle escapes her lips as I walk over to our beach chairs. I gently place her down and groan.

"So, what do you think about going to Flo's tomorrow? We could grab dinner with some of my sorority sisters." Rose says while looking down at her manicured nails.

She takes a sip of the mango smoothie that has been sitting in the cupholder of her beach chair.

"Sure, I'll probably be there with the boys anyway." I look down at the sand.

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