chapter fourteen: so it goes...

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"Should we pregame here before going to the bar tonight?" Adam says while opening up my refrigerator. Of course there's two six packs of beer in there, courtesy of Ethan's random urge to buy a shit ton of alcohol.

"I'm not going to the bar." I groan and scroll through my laptop.

I'm currently sending out my resume to new corporations. Now that college is over, the real world begins. I want to get a head start with job applications before summer ends. It's also a great distraction for me to not think about Kenzie.

"Why not?" Ethan looks back at me while popping barbecue chips into his mouth.

"Because I can drink here if I really want to, which I don't." I lean back on the couch and cross my feet together. I reach for the Pepsi can on the coffee table and bring the metal up to my lips.

"Okay," Adam sighs and crosses his arms over his chest. "Enough of this bullshit. We're talking about the elephant in the room."

"Yeah, we definitely need to have an intervention." My twin agrees, which causes me to clench my jaw.

"There's no need for that. I'm fine." I mutter.

"Then I'm going to come right out and ask. Are you and Mackenzie sleeping together?" Adam's strong voice vibrates through me.

My eyes shift to Ethan behind him, who quickly shakes his head. I don't think he would rat me out, but you never know.

"Of course not. That's a ridiculous theory. You know Kenzie doesn't do hookups." I scoff while looking back down at my screen.

"Maya told me what happened in the hot tub. How you said Mackenzie's name when you were making out with her. Why were you thinking about your childhood best friend when you had a half naked girl straddling you?" He raises an eyebrow up.

"For the millionth time, I was drunk. We all say and do stupid things when we're wasted. You should know that by now." I shut my laptop and look back at him.

My dumb mishap has been the talk of the town. Everyone knows I said Kenzie's name when I was making out with Maya, even Kenzie herself. Luckily she hasn't brought it up to me, but I know she found out about it. I'll never live this down.

"I don't buy that. You're very particular when it comes to girls." Adam calls me out, knowing damn well it's the truth.

"I was thinking about Kenzie because I was going to call her to pick me up. It accidentally slipped out when I was kissing Maya. Trust me, it was harmless." I lie and try to keep a steady poker face.

"Do you believe that, E?" Adam turns to look at my twin, who is awkwardly sitting at the kitchen table.

"Seems questionable." He shrugs his shoulders. Wow, thanks Ethan.

"It's not a big deal. Maya and I weren't exclusive anyway." I remind them.

"But you don't want to get with any girl lately. I bet that's why you don't want to go to the bar tonight, because for some odd reason you don't want girls approaching you. You get weird around them all of a sudden." Adam exhales a breath. I hate that he's picked up on my recent behavior.

"Maybe I don't want to spend my summer wasted and using girls for their body like I normally do. Maybe I want to chill and focus on my future. I'm trying to get a new job in the marketing field. It's time to grow up, man." I motion toward my laptop while letting out a breath.

"You can grow up in September, this is supposed to be a summer of reckless behavior. Would you come to the bar if Mackenzie was going?"

Of course I would, but I can't admit that to him. "No I would still-"

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