chapter twenty four: haunted

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More weeks are passing and I still haven't had any contact with Kenzie. I'm slowly getting used to it, which is the sad part. It feels like it's been ages since I've touched her or cuddled with her.

We're becoming strangers again, suddenly I'm back in third grade and living a life where Mackenzie Harris doesn't exist. Her social media has been rubbing it in that she's consumed by another man.

Connor Danport has been in every picture she posts. They watch movies, go out to eat, and spend time at the beach. I know it's what I pushed for, but it still fucking hurts. The only plus side to all of this is that she looks happy.

The storm I created turned into beautiful sunshine for her, but it's still a downpour of sorrow for me. I'm trying to look at the positives of the current situation I'm in. There aren't many, but at least Kenzie is free of me and my fuckboy tendencies.

Whenever I get into my own head, I distract myself in any way possible. Luckily Ethan, Adam, and Jade are acting normal again.

The four of us occasionally go out while Kenzie is on her romantic dates with Connor. The atmosphere isn't the same, and her absence is clearly very obvious, but we're all managing.

I guess time really does heal all wounds. Now I just need to stop thinking about her right before I fall asleep, hoping she'll show up in my dreams.

"Getting your usual?" Ethan says as we pull into the crowded parking lot of Flo's.

"Of course. Are you?" I ask, even though I know he will.

"Might switch it up today. It depends on how much Adam gets." He laughs while unbuckling his seatbelt and opening the driver's side door.

"Adam is indecisive as fuck. He never knows what he wants." I chuckle and follow him into the diner.

Ethan laughs as we step inside. The jukebox in the front is blasting a 1950s tune as we turn to look around.

Adam and Jade are sitting in our usual corner spot, so we automatically walk toward them. It still pains me to not see Kenzie in these booths sipping on a classic vanilla milkshake.

"Hey guys." Ethan greets them as we slide into the booth.

"There you are, we were waiting to order." Jade laughs while glancing at the menu.

"Do you even have to look? You could've just ordered." I tell her.

"We wanted to wait for you." A smile forms on her mouth.

"So, Adam, two milkshakes today? Or none?" Ethan asks him.

"I don't think I can do two again. Too much sugar for me." He jokingly rubs his stomach in quick circles.

"Pussy." I laugh while he flips me off.

"There's my favorite group." Mae approaches us with a big grin. Of course her eyes are solely focused on me, which is always amusing.

"Hi Miss. Mae. Looking beautiful, as always." Adam flashes her his usual panty-dropper smile.

"Nice to see you all. Although, you're missing a member again. Where's Mackenzie lately? I miss seeing her gorgeous face." Mae frowns.

You and me both.

"She's been busy." Ethan quickly answers.

"What a shame. I'll put in your usual orders?" She looks at each of us.

"Yes ma'am." Adam nods to agree.

After handing Mae our menus, I turn to look at Jade sitting across from me. "Where's your boy toy Emmett today?"

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