chapter twenty seven: jump then fall

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"Mackenzie, can I talk to you for a second?" Lisa asks, looking right at me.

"Of course." I grin while rising to my feet and heading over to the guest bedroom.

My heart is starting to pound in my chest as I watch her open the door, gesturing for me to step inside. I quickly walk into the room and glance around.

I fold my hands together as she turns the light on. For two messy twins, I'm shocked they keep this room so neat and organized. Probably because nobody uses it. I turn to look at Lisa standing by the closed door.

"I must admit, it's nice to come here and see the boys. I hate that they don't live with us anymore, but they're so independent." She starts off by saying, and I grow confused as to why she pulled me aside like this.

"Don't let them fool you, they miss you a lot. Ethan expresses it more, but deep down Grayson is still a big mama's boy." I can't help but chuckle.

"Grayson has always been good at hiding his feelings." She shakes her head.

Her words make my heart rate pick up speed. I know that extremely well, probably better than anyone else.

"Yes, he has." I nod and cross my arms over my chest.

Lisa stares at me for a brief moment. I assume she's gathering the right words to say. I'm getting really nervous standing in this private room with her. She's always been a second mother to me, so she could honestly say anything.

"I know we've joked about this in the past, but I need to ask on a serious note. Is there something going on between you and Grayson?"

My entire facial expression shifts as I swallow hard. He clearly didn't tell her about our summer fling, which I'm grateful for. But what makes her so suspicious?

"No, I have a boyfriend." That's the best response I can think of. It isn't a lie.

"I know you do, and you seem very happy, but Grayson isn't the same from the last time I saw him. He looks at you differently, it's more tender than ever before. There's a happy gleam in his eye." She continues to stare at me, and for once I'm at a loss of words.

"Your son means so much to me. We have a great friendship, ever since we were kids." I can feel myself panicking under this added pressure.

"I know, but friendships can change." Her eyes drop down to my collarbone. "Did he really buy you that necklace?"

"Yes, it was my birthday gift." I run my hand over the beautiful diamond material.

"That says something to me. Grayson has never bought a piece of jewelry a day in his life, not even for me."

"I was pretty surprised when he gave it to me." I admit.

"I never thought I'd see the day." She whispers under her breath.

My eyebrows knit together. "What day?"

"The day Grayson fell in love."

"Love?" I say, my voice getting higher.

"With the way he looked at you, I'd say he's totally in love with you. It's written all over his face." She finally looks me in the eyes.

I try to hide the shocked expression on my face. Lisa clearly has it all wrong, Grayson isn't in love with me. He had plenty of opportunities to tell me, and he didn't.

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