chapter twenty three: begin again

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"Where are you off to so early?" Mom's teasing voice grabs my attention as I walk down the steps.

My laptop case is tucked under one arm, while my camera bag is hanging around the other. I finally decided to get up, put on a cute fall outfit, and be productive. For two weeks I've been sitting around crying over Grayson, but not anymore.

It wasn't until I rewatched my favorite tv show, Gossip Girl, that I realized sobbing over a dumb boy won't get me anywhere in life. Blair Waldorf picked herself up after Chuck Bass destroyed her, and I can do the same.

It still hurts knowing Grayson didn't feel the same way about me, but I should've seen it coming. Part of me regrets the events of this summer, but another part of me doesn't.

I shouldn't live with shame just because the outcome wasn't what I hoped for. He's right, I can't pause my life and wait around for him. I need to go out there and get what I truly want.

"I'm going to Mary's Café downtown to do some work." I stroll into the kitchen. I notice Charlie is drinking coffee at the table and reading the local newspaper. He lifts his head up and looks at me.

"Do you want any breakfast before you head out? I made some mean scrambled eggs." A laugh exits his lips.

"That does sound tempting." I grin and look at the stove. Everything smells amazing, especially the bacon sizzling in the pan.

"I can make you a plate, if you want." Mom says while turning to look at me.

I bite down on my lower lip and decline her offer. "It's okay, I'll grab something at the café. I have a lot of pictures to edit so I'll be there for awhile."

"You've been editing like crazy." Charlie points out.

"Because I'm taking so many pictures. It's not a bad thing, though. My dreams are slowly coming true."

"Any word on Grayson?" Mom's voice is low and barely audible, but I still hear her loud and clear.

I sat her down and told her everything that happened between us. She was shocked by his actions and said she was surprised he would treat me like any regular girl. I've known Grayson my whole life, I thought I was a little bit special.

However, because Mom is so wise and optimistic, she sees us making up in the near future. I'm not too sure about that one. It's already been a week since I saw him and Adam at Flo's, and I haven't tried to contact him after that.

"We're still not speaking. I need some more time." I let out a breath.

"Boys are terribly stupid, Mackenzie. Grayson is the perfect example of that." Charlie says, and I turn my head to look his way. "But I'm a firm believer that everything happens for a reason. I bet he's scared to lose the reputation that he has as the local playboy. Love can be a scary thing, especially for somebody who's never experienced it before."

"I know." I slowly nod, feeling my heart pounding in my chest. I always get so nervous whenever I talk about Grayson.

"Just try to focus on the positives and take one day at a time." Mom gives her usual advice.

And that's exactly what I'm doing. Getting out of the house and entering Mary's Café was the best thing I could've done.

After purchasing a chocolate chip muffin and a coffee with extra hazelnut, I find a round table in the corner to relax and do my work.

I love the energy a quiet café gives on a Sunday morning. People are walking in and out, wearing boots and sweaters now that it's September. Plus the smell of coffee and pastries always puts me in a better mood.

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