chapter seven: I did something bad

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I slowly open my eyes and immediately feel the dryness in my mouth. I run my tongue over my bottom lip and sit up in the bed. There's already a throbbing sensation that's piercing my skull. This hangover is going to be deadly.

I notice that Adam and Jade's guest bedroom is surrounded by bottles of alcohol and condom boxes. I glance down at my body, seeing that I'm shirtless and in my underwear.

I stretch my arms over my head and feel my stomach rumble with hunger. I blacked out after Kenzie left the party because..... Holy shit. I remember what I did last night.

The memory of us dancing is fresh in my mind, and so is the feeling of her soft lips pressed against mine. I kissed Kenzie. Not only did I kiss my childhood best friend, I also made out with her. Tongue and all.

Panic stirs in my chest as I rise to my feet and throw my shorts back on. I feel like I'm going to throw up, and not because of the alcohol in my body.

Fuck, what did I do? Kissing Kenzie is a dangerous price to pay. She's my best friend. She's been there for me through thick and thin.

My life wouldn't be right without her, I've known her since I was a little kid. Us sharing a heated moment just jeopardized everything.

Yet I can't stop thinking about how hot that kiss was. Her mouth moved in perfect sync with my own. Honestly, this make out session was bound to happen eventually. I'm just surprised it took us this long.

I walk into the hallway and see Ethan emerging from the bathroom. His eyes meet mine as he chuckles. "You look like shit."

"I feel like shit. I'm in desperate need of some water." I scratch the back of my neck.

"We have coolers on the beach already. Adam and the girls are out there."

"The girls?" My eyes widen.

"Yeah, Mackenzie and Jade. Who else would we hang out with?" Ethan gives me a blank look.

"Fuck." I mutter and run a hand through my hair, tugging on it out of frustration.

"What's the matter, Gray?" My twin questions while staring at me.

"I did something bad last night." I struggle to make eye contact with him.

"You did a lot of bad things last night." He begins to laugh.

"What the hell does that mean?" I eagerly ask while trying to remember what the fuck happened during the party. Aside from kissing Kenzie, I have no idea what I did.

"Nothing, you just had fun. You were making out with-"

"With who? Who did you see me making out with?"

"Just that Maya girl, relax. She was all over you at the beginning of the party."

I don't respond. I completely freeze in my tracks as I try to think of what to say to him next. My heart is pounding and I feel lightheaded.

"Why? Who else did you make out with?" His voice is filled with utter confusion.

"Is anyone here?" My voice lowers as I look around the hallway.

"No, everyone is already on the beach. What's the matter with you?" He looks at me as if I have five eyes growing on my head.

"Come with me." I grab onto his hand and pull him into the guest bedroom. I shut the door and immediately cross my arms over my chest.

"Dude, what the fuck is going on? Why are you acting so weird? Are you still drunk?" Ethan exhales a breath. 

I begin to question if maybe that's the answer. Maybe I am still drunk and experiencing some alternate reality where I'm super attracted to Kenzie. That would be the easiest solution to this problem.

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