Chaper 20 :)

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“Okay as I said this morning, the group is called Justice Crew and they are dancers and now singers.” I nodded my head, logged out of Spice’s Twitter and logged into my personal account. “Do you know what I have to do?” “Yup, you have to dance with one of the lads.” I nodded my head, until her next sentence. “In nothing but short shorts and a sports bra. You’ll have to look like you’re about to kiss him while dancing on him.” Everyone in the Hummer stopped talking and stared at Melinda.

I have to what now?! My mouth dropped as I thought of what I had to do. “And when were you going to tell me this?” Melinda smirked. “On the day. Come on, we’re here.” I groaned, grabbed my phone and followed Niall and Melinda out of the Hummer.

“Come on Violet, we better hurry before the fans find out-” Melinda stopped as someone screamed. “On that note, go now.” I grabbed my suitcases and followed Niall into the airport. “Come on Vi, we don’t have all day.” “I know Nialler, but you can only go as fast as your legs take you!” And I had to wear heels, bad mistake. “Violet!” I stopped running, only to fall face first on the ground. “Oh shit, sorry Violet.”

I groaned and turned so I was on my back and facing Zayn, who fell on top of me. “Reminds you of something?” I chuckled and nodded my head, slowly getting up. “Yup, who called me?” Zayn frowned at me. “I don’t know I was too busy running to the gate.” I smiled and nodded my head, turned but froze once I saw who was there. Vicky and Aaron. “Violet?” I blinked and turned to Louis, who was the only one that stopped and was watching me.

“Yeah?” “What’s wrong?” I shook my head and ran to Lou, then followed him to the gate. “You’re telling me what made you freeze when we’re on the plane.” I sighed and sat in my seat beside Harry, while Lou sat beside me on my right side. So it went Liam, Niall and Zayn in front of us, Mum, Greg and Melina behind us.

“Please buckle all-” I tuned the pilot out and put my phone on flight mode. “So what happened in the airport?” I sighed. I can’t get out of this one. Especially with so many people around.

“I just saw someone I don’t like.” I looked down at my lap then back up at Lou. “You’ll find out more later.” I rested my head on Lou’s shoulder, closed my eyes and fell asleep.

Harry’s POV

I glanced over and saw Violet asleep on Lou’s shoulder. “Is she alright mate?” Lou sighed and looked at me. “Not really. But she won’t tell me. She just said, and I quote ‘You’ll find out more later.’ What is that suppose to mean.” I shrugged my shoulders. “I don’t know, I guess you just have to ask her when she wakes up.”

“If she does. Violet is one stubborn girl.” “So getting her to do something she doesn’t want to will be very hard.” Lou groaned but nodded his head. “I just hope she lets us in so we can help her.”

I closed my eyes and leaned my head against the window, slowly falling asleep with thoughts of Violet.

Violet’s POV

“Look how cute they look.” “I have to admit they do look cute, they would be a cute couple.” I heard a click then someone laughing. Great, I probably only got a few minutes sleep. Can’t they be quiet? Probably not. I slowly opened my eyes to see Zayn, Louis and Liam around me.

I tried to sit up but something was holding me down. Frowning, I looked up and saw Harry’s head on top of mine. Oh I guess it was someone and not something. “Sleep well Vi?” I nodded my head not really thinking, until I saw all the smirks on their faces.

“Please tell me you did not.” “Hmm.” We all turned to Harry as he smiled. Aww, he looks adorable. The smile soon turned into a smirk. “Hmm, I wonder where this is going. Make sure you’re recording this.” “I am.” I tried to move, but Harry just snaked his arms around my waist and held me still. “That looks comfy.”

“Yes, now move.” “Harry?” “Hmm?” “Can you please let go?” “But it’s too early Mum. Let me sleep.” I chuckled and tapped his cheek, lightly. “Harold.” “What?” “WE’RE HERE!!” I jumped along with Harry, but he never moved his arms from my waist.

Okay then. “Don’t need to shout Niall.” I unbuckled my seatbelt and stood. “Come on sleeping beauty.” I stuck my tongue out at Zayn and turned to a smirking Louis. “What did you guys do?” “Nothing.” I shook my head. Sure they didn’t. “Come on Violet, everyone is on their way to the hotel.” I turned and frowned at Melinda. “How much information have you left out?” Melinda shrugged her shoulders. “A lot, but don’t worry about all that and move.”

Don’t worry? Well too bad, I don’t know much, only what is happening. “You’ll have to room with your partner so I hope you guys are close.” I nodded my head. “But I asked for extra beds in your room so all the guys can room with you.” They all cheered and walked out of the plane. “But there are 6 beds.” I nodded my head. “Will you guys have a different room on a different floor?” “No, we’re next door to you, so no party’s.” I laughed.

“I’ll try not to.” “Come on girl, start moving!” I laughed. “I am moving.” I unlocked my phone and took it off flight mode then rushed out of the plane and into the airport, where everyone that was on the plane was, including all the models and their partners.

“When are we going to meet these people?” Melinda glanced down at her watch and smiled. “Now we have to meet them at the set where they’re filming.” My jaw dropped. “It isn’t enough time Melinda.” “Yes it is, now come on Violet.”

I groaned and followed Melinda to where the lads were, with our bags. “Let’s go so Violet can start her scene.” “Oh and guys, Paul told me to let you all know that once the catwalk is over, well Harry’s part you all have to leave.” I looked down so my hair fell, hiding my face from everyone.

I didn’t need them to know how I truly felt about them leaving. Just as we stopped at the SUV someone called my name. So once Melinda took my bags from me I turned around, just to come face to face with Lucas. One of Aaron’s best friends, and someone who helped hurt me.

“What do you want?” Lucas smirked and motioned me over to him. I hesitated for a second so Lucas walked over to me and pulled me close to him, grabbing my arm tightly, but to others it would have looked like he was gently pulling me over.

“Violet we need to go!” “Tell her to wait.” I gulped and turned to Melinda. “I’ll be there soon.” Once Melinda nodded her head, Lucas pulled me so the car was out of my sight. Oh shit, this is not good.

“I won’t ask again Lucas, what the fuck do you want?” Lucas grip suddenly tightened, causing me to wince. “I would watch what you say to me little girl.” I rolled my eyes, but that was the wrong thing to do, as Lucas pushed me against the wall, roughly.

“I’ll warn you once and once only, do as we say or its lights out for one of those lads.” My eyes widened. “And what will you do?” Lucas smirked and trailed his hand to my stomach, before I could register what was about to happen, Lucas punched me. Not hard or soft. Well hard enough to hurt me, but soft enough that it wouldn’t leave a bruise.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 10, 2012 ⏰

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