Chapter 7 :)

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I shook my head. “I don’t know, you guys have been with him for a while now. What does he love or hate?”

“He loves food, Nando’s, his family, uh he hates having no food.” I rolled my eyes. Typical Niall. “So all we have to do is take his food away? But that’s too easy. Oh I know!” I looked over to see Niall and Liam glancing at us. “Sup bro!” Everyone laughed at me, even Niall. “Okay, we can’t do anythi-YES!”

I smirked and glanced at the guys. “Well what is the plan?” I shook my head. “Okay, since Niall loves his food, we’re all going to tie him, and Liam up to chairs and threaten them.” “I like how you think.” “Oh it gets better than that.” Louis smirked and rubbed his hands together, like an evil genius.

“Do you think you guys can stay up past Horan’s and Payne’s bedtime…Wait Niall Horan’s bedtime?” “Yeah, why?” I winked at Harry and nodded to the kitchen. “Oh we’re going to a few little pranks on them, including the things that hate.” “Liam is afraid of spoons, and Niall is only afraid all the food is going to disappear.” I laughed and sat back. “Typical Nialler.” “Don’t say one word to them, got it?” I stared each one in the eye, making sure they knew I was serious with this.

“Yes we understand.” I nodded my head, stood up and made my way into the kitchen. “Who wants food?!” “ME!” I chuckled. One guess who yelled that…Yup Niall. “Why didn’t you want Niall to tell us your Twitter name?” I sighed and pointed to the fridge. “Can you please get the eggs out?” I grabbed the bacon from the freezer before I answered Lou’s question.

“I don’t want too many people knowing I know you guys, because then it’ll make it easier for my ex to find me.” I started to cook the bacon as Lou cooked the scrambled eggs. “What’s the rest of the story?” I snapped my head up and raised an eyebrow at Lou. “How do you know that isn’t the whole story?” “Please Violetbear. I may be the joker of the group but I am the oldest, so I know when someone is telling the truth or not.” “Well that is the whole truth.”

“Liar.” I shook my head and dished the bacon up, while Lou dished the eggs up. “Food is ready!” I moved back as the other 4 boys came running in, wait make that 5. I thought Greg went out, I guess not. “I’ll wait as long as it takes.” I turned to face Louis. “That Mr Tomlinson is the whole truth.”

Louis suddenly smirked, and not just any smirk, no this smirk was all mischievous. I backed away from Louis, but he just followed me. I turned to see Harry glaring at Louis. Oh I forgot he hates me, I guess me getting close to Louis is a problem.

I turned to Niall next, to see a grin on his face. “Hey Nialler, the best and awesome brother of mine, can you help me?” “Hey, what about me? I’m also your brother.” I smiled at Greg then turned back to Niall. “Well, I would love to, but I’, busy eating.” “Liam?” I grabbed the spoon from the counter top, ready to throw it at Liam if he doesn’t help me.

“Sorry Vi.” I did just what I was going to if he didn’t help me, I threw the spoon at him, making him scream and jump away from it.

“My bestie, Mr Sexy Zayn Malik. Can you please help me?” I kept my eyes on Louis as I slowly walked around the table, backwards might I add. “I would love to, but this is just too funny.” “I’m shaving your hair off tonight-AHHH!!” Louis picked me up then ran out to the backyard, towards the pool. “Don’t you dare Tomlinson!” “Or what Horan?” I started to hit Louis’ back, trying to make him put me down, but it didn’t seem to help at all.

“Okay I was lying, I’ll tell you!” “Oh I know you will, but it won’t stop me from doing this.” My eyes widened just as Louis chucked me into the pool. Oh he is so dead now. I pushed off from the floor of the pool and surfaced, glaring at Louis. “You. Are. Dead!” I jumped out and just stood at the edge of the pool. “Uh, Vi?”

I turned to Zayn, just to see his eyes on my chest. I gulped and slowly looked down. Shit my tank top is see-through. “LOUIS!” I quickly bolted inside and up to my bedroom. “Yes?” I just took my top off when Lou walked in.

Harry’s POV

I watched as Louis said something to Violet then threw her into the pool. I had to laugh at that. Zayn, Liam, Niall and I all ran outside just as Violet surfaced. “You. Are. Dead!” I glanced and saw Lou run inside. “Uh Vi?”

I turned to Violet and smirked to myself, she totally forgot she’s wearing a white top and when a white top gets wet, it’s turns transparent. Violet looked down and realised then ran inside. “LOUIS!” I couldn’t hold it in any longer, as soon as I looked at Niall I along with Zayn and Liam laughed.

"Mate, your…face.” “Yeah well I don’t like to see my sister in transparent clothing.” “No, but we do.” I got hit in the back of my head from that comment. “That’s my little sister Harold.” “I know Niall, I’m just stating the truth.” I grinned.

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