Chapter 16 :)

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“Okay-” Liam stopped as his phone started to ring. I watched as Liam’s smile fell from his face. Who the hell would call Liam to make his smile fall from his face? “Hello…Yes, I’ll tell them but I don’t think he’ll like it…Yes I know it’s our job. Bye.”

Liam hung up and frowned at his phone. “Hold that thought. Looks like we have to tell her about us.” “Who called?” Liam sighed and looked at the stairs then turned to us. “Management. They called to let us know that we only have 2 days left until we have to leave for Australia.” My eyes widened. 2 days to get enough courage to ask Violet out. That is not enough time. Not to mention Niall. We always visit our families more because it’s closer. Niall will be devastated.

“W-What?” “I’m sorry Niall. I don’t want to leave either-” “We can’t leave!” Zayn and I jumped from Lou’s voice. What the hell. He didn’t have to scream it in our ears. “BooBear, my ears are ringing now.” “Sorry Hazza, but we can’t leave.” “Why?” Lou opened his mouth about to say something, but decided not to.

“I, uh can’t say yet. I’m sorry.” “Who does it involve?” “No one.” Liar, I can read him like an open book. But being the good friend I am I won’t say anything in front of the other lads. I’ll just wait until; I can get him alone to ask him.

“Well okay then, but we can’t do anything about it. We have to do what management says.” “Well I hate management sometimes.” “I agree.”

~~~~~3 hours later~~~~~

“How are we going to tell her?” I sighed and paused the game I was playing with Lou. “I don’t know Niall. Maybe we can take her out to dinner and tell her then. What’s the time anyway?” Niall pulled his phone out and put it back in his pocket once he checked the time. “It’s 2:30. 3 hours since Vi went to sleep…Payback time.” Lou jumped up and cheered. “Let’s do this.” I grinned, put my controller down and followed the lads up to Violet’s room.

“Uh, mate how what are we going to do?” “What she did to us this morning.” “Uh, Nialler none of us has her number.” “Here take it from my phone and add it into your phones.” Niall got her number up and held his phone out to all of us. We all pulled our phones out and saved her number. I along with the others sent her a message to tell her our numbers.

“Okay I’ll call her.” I watched as Lou walked into her room, and took her phone of silent. “Okay Zayn, as soon as Lou shuts the door, call her.” “I want to know what her ringtone is.” “Me too. Probably something like ‘Barbie Girl’.” We all stood in the hall and waited until Lou closed the door. “Okay, it’s calling.” We all stood still and listened closely. The one song I wouldn’t have thought, suddenly rung through the quietness.

“Well then.” I laughed as ‘Cockiness (Love It)’ by Rihanna still rung through the room…Wait it stopped. “What the fuck do you want!?”

"Time to get up.” Zayn quickly hung up and stood by her door. “Piss off!” “Make us!” Her door suddenly opened to reveal a pissed off Violet. “You called me…just to WAKE ME UP?!” “Yup.” “I’m going to kill you!” “No you won’t. you love us too much.” Violet rolled her eyes and stuck her tongue out at Lou. “Nope.” “Hurtful Vi-” “We need to tell you something Violet.” She stopped and looked at her brother. “Uh oh, what happened now?”

“We just need to tell you something, and right now, I thought would be a good time to get to know each other, well for you to get to know the lads better.” “But I thought you were making a book?”

“Uh, yeah something came up so we can’t. Oh and I have to get you back for waking us up like that.” I chuckled and headed back down stairs. “Come on then.” I heard footsteps behind me but didn’t take much notice, until they jumped on my back.

“Carry me Haz.” “You’re always lazy Lou.” “Am not.” I just nodded my head and carried Lou to the couch. “Ready?” “For what?” I smirked and sat down, making sure I was leaning on Lou. “Argh. Haz, you’re bloody heavy.” “And you’re not?” “Nope.”

~~~~~2 hours later (5:00pm)~~~~~

Violet’s POV

I nodded and chuckled. For the last 2 hours the lads had told me all about them, so now I’m up to date as you would say about them. Harry just told me, he likes to walk around naked…NAKED people. “You have 30 minutes to get ready-” “FUCK!” I stood up and ran to my bedroom. Don’t the lads know girls need time to get ready? Apparently not. I flung my wardrobe doors open and stripped so I was only in my matching Ireland bra and panties.

Okay, what to wear, what to wear. You would think it would be easy because of my job, but it’s not. My eyes widened when they landed on a black and silver dress. I pulled it off the hanger and pulled it on. The dress was mid-thigh, strapless, well half starless, black, but had a silver lining going from the right of my chest to the top right shoulder, which was also covered in diamonds. Good thing I’m wearing my strapless bra.

“10 minutes!” Fuck! Did 20 minutes already go that fast? Not enough time. I found my black shinny stilettos, threw them on my bed and ran to my bathroom. Okay time for my hair and make-up. I brushed my teeth again and done my make-up naturally. Don’t want to overdo it and look like an orange. I brushed my hair and smiled as it looked like I spent hours on it.

“Violet! It’s time to go!” My eyes widened. Shit, 30 minutes went fast. “Coming.” I grabbed a small black clutch, shoved my phone and wallet in, and checked my hair and make-up for the last time then headed down to meet the lads. I stopped at the bottom of the stairs and waited for all the lads to turn around. The lads all turned around in unison, which was freaky. All of their mouths dropped, but I think Harry’s mouth hit the floor.

Now I feel overdressed. “Is this okay for where we’re going?” “Yes, and let me tell you, you look amazing.” “Thanks Zayn. I hoped this wasn’t too much. So are we going to go tonight or tomorrow morning?” “Ha, Ha funny.” I stuck my tongue out at Niall. “Yup-” I was cut off by a horn outside. “This way Miss Horan.” “Why thank you Mr Tomlinson.”

Once we were all in the limo I turned to my brother. “So what did you want to tell me?” Niall fidgeted in his seat, but didn’t look at me. Okay strange. “We have to tell you at the restaurant.” I slowly nodded my head. Why do I have a bad feeling about this? And the sad look in Niall’s eyes didn’t help it at all.

I just sat back and watched all the buildings pass by us. “What restaurant are we going to?” “Belle De Fine.” My eyes widened. That is a very classy restaurant. I’ve been there a few times for work dinners. Now that I notice, all the lads are dressed up too.

“Vi, we’re here.” I looked up and smiled. “Tanks Lou.” Lou chuckled a bit. “What are you chuckling about?” “Oh nothing.” So immature. I linked my arm in Liam’s and followed the others inside. “He was chuckling because you said tanks, and not thanks.” My mouth fell open. “Oh sorry, I didn’t mean to, it just came out.” This time Liam chuckled. “It’s fine, you don’t have to apologize, it’s your accent.” I nodded and bumped into Harry. “Oh sorry Harold.”

I smiled innocently when he turned around. “You won’t drop that will you?” I shook my head. “Nope, it’s funny to see you facial expressions.” “Have a nice night Mr Horan.” As I was walking past the female worker she glared at me. What the fuck? Just because I was with my brother and his band mates she has to glare at me?

I just smirked back and grabbed Liam’s arm, as he was still waiting for me. “Let’s go and eat, since I didn’t eat lunch.” “That’s one thing you guys don’t share.” “What?” Both Niall and I asked as we sat down. “Your appetite.”

“Thank goodness.” “Hey! I don’t eat THAT much.” We all turned to Niall

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