Chapter 11 :)

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“Uh love; we’re both older than you.” “Well you don’t act like it.” “So what did you make for lunch then?” I looked at the table where the food was. “Oh right.” Lou looked at his plate and grinned. “This totally makes up from when you elbowed me.” “Only because there are carrots on your plate?” “And because there are carrots on my pizza, duh.”

“Just sit down and eat it quietly.” “Yes Mum.” I shook my head and sat down in between Zayn and Harry. Eating my cheese pizza. “So Violet, where did you get the money to buy a car like that?” I nervously glanced around the table to find everyone looking at me; even Niall was looking at me and not eating. Wow that must be a first.

“Uh my bank, where else would I get the money from?” “So what do you do to earn the money?” “A job.” Why are they asking questions all of a sudden? “What do you work as?” I shook my head. “I’m not working at the moment. Please just drop the subject guys.” Not even Greg knows what I do. Only our parents and they both promised me they wouldn’t tell anyone. “Greg, what does she work as?”

“Sorry Niall, I don’t even know. Every time she goes to her ‘job’ I’m out.” Greg used his fingers as speech marks on the word job. “Do you even have a job?” I nodded my head. “Yes, now please drop it.” “Nope.” I groaned. “Fine, then I won’t say anything.” “Twitter, Facebook?” I shook my head.

As if I would say what I do on a public site. “Do you work at Nando’s?” I smirked at Niall. “Yes, Niall I do.” Niall’s eyes lit up like a kid on Christmas Day. “Really?” I laughed. “No. Nothing like that.”

“Uh, what about a singer?” I pushed my empty plate away from me and shook my head. “Nope. I can’t even sing.” Greg raised his eyebrow at me. “Yes you can.” “No I can’t.” “Are you a teacher?” “That would be hot.” I hit Harry on the back of his head at the same time Niall did. “Ow and Ow. Do you mind?” “That is my baby sister you’re on about.”

My eyes widened. Speaking of which, tomorrow is Nialler’s 19th birthday. Is it already the 12th of September? “Shit!”

“What?” I grabbed my phone and stood up. “Why didn’t you tell me Greg?” Greg frowned then smiled. “I must have forgotten.” I groaned. Yeah right. “Sorry lads, but I have to go.” “Where?” I glanced at Niall then back to Lou. “To the shops. Who wants to come?” “I’ll come!” “Me too!” “Me three.” My eyes widened. I don’t have that many seats in my car. “I’ll stay here.” “Same, as much as I love our fans, I don’t want to get attacked yet.”

I nodded my head and chuckled. “Yet. Okay how are we going to get there? My car is only a 2 seater.” “We’ll take the van.” “What van?” I didn’t see a van when I went to my car. Surely I would have seen a large vehicle in the driveway, or the garage. “Where is the van?” I grabbed my purse and headed outside. “Wait for us!”

“Come one then!” Now, this is where my brain comes in handy. “Okay, so where are we going?” “To the shops.” “Why?” “Because it’s Niall’s birthday tomorrow.” “Oh, we already got him something.” “What?” “Well we all have a joint present.” “And that is?” “A new guitar, that we all designed and new high tops.” I nodded my head. “What are you getting him?” “A car.”

“A what?” Surely they’re not THAT dumb. “A C.A.R, you know that thing you drive. And before you ask, it’s going to be like mine, but in his favourite colour.” “What does your car look like?” I turned and opened the garage door. “Like that. But I’m going to get his in blue.” “With what money? Surely a car like that is expensive.” I nodded my head. “I know, and with my money.”

“Okay, let’s go.” I followed Louis to the neighbour’s house. Uh okay? “Dada. A van.” I shook my head and grinned. “This is where you parked your van?” “Yup, don’t want the fans to know where Niall lives.” I nodded my head and sat in the passenger seat, while Harry and Zayn sat in the middle seats behind us. “Okay, where to Miss Horan?”

“Have you seen the place Benny’s Car Deals?” “Uh, I think I did. Why?” “Because that man runs the shop. Drive until you don’t know where, and then I’ll guild you the rest of the way.” I pulled my phone out and texted Ben what I wanted and told him I’m on my way.

“Okay, this is as far as I remember.” I looked up and smiled. “Close Louisbear. Now take the first left, follow the road then at the end go right and the place is on your left.” “Got it.” “So what are you getting him a car?” “Because I missed 2 years of birthdays and Christmas presents.” I just hope he’ll like it.

“Okay, I’ll be as quick as I can.” I hopped out of the van with all 3 guys following me. I groaned. They better behave themselves. “What are you guys doing?” “Coming with you.” “Just behave, and whatever you hear don’t think much of it.” I opened the door and stopped. Did Ben put all the pictures up because I was coming? He better have not. “Ben!”

“Yes sweet cheeks?” “Just give me the keys.” “Who are these lovely guys with you love?” From the corner of my eye I saw Harry stiffen. Uh, okay, can anyone else say weird? “Ben, meet Harry, Louis and Zayn. Now we had a deal.” I smirked mentally laughing at my own joke. Ben rolled his eyes. “Ha, ha that is sooo funny.” “Yup. Ben’s Car Deals. So?”

“Fine! John is the car ready?” “Yes, here boss.” “Wait, boss? You don’t look older than 20.” “Nope. 19 actually. Violet and I know each other from school.” “Did you guys ever, you know, go out?” Ben smirked and slowly raised his eyebrow at me. “Should we tell them babe?” “No! No we did not go out. Ben here is just like Lou. A joker.”

I grabbed the keys from Ben and turned to John. “Keep him in line Johnny.” “I will love.” Ben turned and narrowed his eyes at me. “I am his boss.” “He is older than you.” “BY A YEAR!” John and I laughed and high fived. “Are you guys ready?” “Yes.” “No.” We all turned to face Louis. “Why?” “I think I need a new car.” “Oh please. We have to go.” Harry and Zayn pushed Lou out of the office, shaking their heads.

“The car is next to the white and orange van.” “Thanks John. Now take care of each other.” “Oh we will.” I chuckled, waved and left the two love birds to themselves. “Okay, if you don’t know the way back, just follow me,  but when we get near the house, you need to make sure Niall is-” “He and Liam are out getting Pizza for dinner.” I nodded my head. “Okay, Zayn do you want to come with me or go with Lou and Harry.”

“I’ll go with you. Larry Stylinson can have a few minutes to themselves.” I frowned and hopped into the car, Zayn not to long behind me. “What do you mean?” Zayn grinned.

“Oh yeah, I forgot you’re not a fan. Basically Larry Stylinson is Harry Styles and Louis Tomlinson put together.” “Why though?” I pulled out of the street and made sure Lou was following.

“Well we all have bromances. Niall and Liam is Niam, Harry and Louis, as you already know is Larry.” “What about you then?” “Zirror.” I frowned. Who’s name is that put together? Zayn and who? “Me and my mirror, but there are more bromance’s but the ones I just told you are the most popular ones.”

How Hard Can It Be? (Harry Styles)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ