“I do know! It's just that I've never been on this part of the forest yet. And I fear the trees looked different than— Oh for Norn's sake Loki—” Thor grabbed Loki by the shoulder, spun Mjolnir as fast as he could and flew right out of the forest in less than 10 seconds.

They landed on the new site of the Avenger's headquarters.

Loki rubbed his left shoulder as if he was treating a harsh bruise. Thor was too brash. Always.

“So much for a Midgardian experience.” Thor mumbled under his breath.

“It wasn't I who flew us out of the forest.” Loki crossed his arms in front of his chest.

“But you insinuated it.” Thor lied.

“Lying does not suit you, brother.”

“Who says I'm lying?”

“The God of Lies, oaf.” Loki said and ended the conversation then and there knowing Thor would not have another quip at him. His older brother then grabbed his other shoulder and hauled him inside the massive building.

Within the bushes of Pepper's garden, your eyes speckled with gold peered ever so keenly. Observing quietly as the big green bushed hid your already invisible form.

You hoped you hit the right god.


Loki read books in his chambers for all of that afternoon, having enough of Thor's ideas for family bonding. Norns he loved him dearly and would probably trust him with his life but his suggestions weren't always agreeable to him.

Often he would sit on the bench beside his massive window, opting for daylight rather than candlelight as he hated the artificial light fixtures Stark gave him. They were far too bright and protruding according to him, so his chambers were always littered with candelabras and half-burnt candles.

He licked his finger and flipped the page of his new read. “The Picture of Dorian Gray”

Outside his window, you were hovering above the ground to observe the Norse god.

You learned his name was Loki. Therefore confirming that he was the Norse god of Mischief, Lies and Trickery. He apparently has an infamous reputation but is never associated with being the villain nor hero of the story. You're going to see that for yourself.

You tilted your head to properly observe his features. Pretty sea foam green eyes, a tall straight nose, sharp cheekbones, classic chin. Yes, he looked better than most men you've seen. But looks are hardly ever the basis in order to match him with someone worthwhile.

So everyday, you hovered outside his window unknowingly. Observing his traits like how he speaks to his brother and colleagues, little quirks he does when he's alone, what makes him tick, and et cetera.

“Oh, Loki. How will I find you a match? One moment you're all nice and soft when you read a particular passage you find amusing, next you're spiteful and ungrateful everytime your brother and colleagues do something nice for you. This is indeed not simple, Venus. Not indeed,” you sighed and laid on your wings as you floated.

“Your little smirk when you read something clever,” you chuckled. “I wonder if anyone has noticed your habit of picking your left thumb when you're stressed. Or that twinkle in your eye when something goes your way. You're a difficult one, Loki. I hate it because you intrigue me. Everytime you do something contradictory I always want to reveal myself to you and ask you why. I want to speak to you so badly and know what it is you're thinking of. To hold you- to touch you would be an honor. Everytime you hung your head low, I want to be the one to encourage you to lift your chin up, maybe hug you comfortingly. But I don't think Venus would approve.” You looked up at the sky and saw the Sun shine just a little bit brighter.

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