Chapter 49

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John POV

I stand at the Altar waiting for Alex to walk down. I can't believe this is actually happening. The doors open and I see him standing there. I smile has he starts to walk down to the music.

Once he get's to the front Washington hugs him then sits back down and the Officiator starts. "We are gathered here today to celebrate the love and union of these two men. They have prepared their own vows." He says.

I clear my throat and pull out the piece of paper from my pocket, "Alex, I'll never forget the first time I saw you're face. The first few days together were pretty messy, We got drunk we had a fight then we started dating. I would love to say we had a perfect relationship after that but I can't. We may have broken up a couple of times but they only made us stronger. Everyday I wake up and smile, well not every day because you're usually up already but either way I get to wake up and see you somewhere in the room. Before you came into my life I was a third wheel to Herc and Laf and no matter how hard they tried no one made me as happy as you did. As you do. You're the most amazing person I've ever met and I'm so lucky to be up here marrying you today. Look at where we started, Look at where we are, the fact that we're alive is a miracle. I would rather live a hard life with you than an easy life with anyone else. Oh and I love you," I say and some people laugh others cry and Peggy screams.

"John. I thought long and hard about what to say today and really this only thing that came to mind was how fucking amazing you are. If you had told me 8 year's ago that I would be marrying someone like you I would have though you were insane. But here we are. You have helped me though so much, You're the reason I'm still alive and you're the reason I want to be alive. I don't regret anything that's happened to me because all of it as made me love you more and all of it lead me here to you. The first time I saw you I nearly had a heart attack, you were and are so adorable with you're hair and you're freckles and everything. I don't know what the future holds but I don't care as long as I'm living everyday with you I'll me happy. To put this in a way you'll understand, I'm like Sherlock and you're John. A work obsessed sociopath and an amazing, caring and beautiful man. All except the height and the Straight bit." He says and I laugh a little. I don't even notice a couple of tears dripping down my face.

"Okay, could we have the rings please?" Laf and Herc give us our rings and we smile. "Do you, Jack Laurens," I try to not to look affected by the name, "Take Alexander Hamilton to be you're lawfully wedded husband, through sickness and in health, through Poverty and Prosperity, and through the good and the bad?" The officiator asks and I nod my head.

"I do!" I exclaim.

"And do you, Alexander Hamilton take Jack Laurens to be you're lawfully wedded husband, through sickness and in health, through Poverty and Prosperity, and through the good and the bad?" He asks.

"I do!" We put the rings on, both smiling.

"I now pronounce you husband and husband you may now kiss the groom" I wrap my arms around Alex's waist and pull him towards me and kiss him.

*Time skip to after people eat and all that*

Hercules stands up and get's everyone's attention. I remember the first day Alex got to collage, He was Lafs roommate. When Lafayette came and introduced us, Im pretty sure we scared him half to death. They didnt tell us they were going out for a while but walked in on them and it was pretty obvious. I only remember a couple of things from the bachelor party but one thing I definitely don't wanna forget. We went t a bar after dinner and got super drunk, we all ended up in mine and Laf's apartment and started playing spin the bottle. Peggy for some reason dared me and Alex to 7 minutes in heave. Of course we couldn't say no so we went into the closet, I sat down next to him knowing that obviously we weren't gonna do it but when I was within 2 meters of him he screamed "YOU'RE NOT JOHN GET AWAY! I CARRY A RAPE WHISLE!" I will never forget the look on his face. Even when their drunk out of their minds they still love each other and it's the most adorable thing ever. They were and still are the most dramatic couple I know; theyve gone through so much and they dont deserve any of it. Alex youre my best friend and Im so glad you found someone as amazing as John, and John if you hurt him Ill kick your ass. Herc says and we laugh.

Laf stands up now. Okay so I thought about what to say and I really wanted to have a Sherlock themed speech for John, but no one was willing to try to kill someone. So instead were gonna do a normal speech. John is my best friend and Ive known him for years. So, this is more embarrassing for me than him and Alex and Herc are probably gonna kill me later but when I fist met him I did have a small crush on him. Which of course meant I made a fool out of myself. We went out one night and he told me he was gay. Now stay with me this will get better, He got really drunk ok. I only had like 1 drink, I was a little tipsy and tried to kiss him. Luckily, he literally ran away saying OMG LOOK AT THAT CUTE GUY! and I followed him, the guy just happened to be Alex and I told him to go for it but he was to shy. Anyway, the point Im trying to make it these two have been in love with each other from before they even met. I cant think if a cuter couple and I wish you both the best He says, and we all laugh.

Once everyone else's speeches are finished the guests slowly start going home. Alex walks over to me after the last of the guest leave. "We're married." He says wrapping his arms around my neck.

"Yes, we are" I say smiling. I lean down and Kiss him. Everything's Perfect. For the first time, I have an amazing husband, none of us are about to die and I'm happy. "I can't wait to spent the rest of my life with you" I say and he smiles. It feels almost like a dream.

A/N So this is the last chapter of this book yay! I'm about to start writing the squeal, there will, be fluff, angst, maybe even kids who knows? If you have any suggestions please tell me.

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