Chapter 42

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Trigger Warning- PTSD, only a little tho

Alex POV

It's been about 2 months since we graduated and me and John moved into a really nice but not to expensive apartment in New York. We haven't done very much wedding planning because we decided to have a long engagement, of course not to long but we want time to settle in and stuff.

It's like 3 am right now and John's asleep, I'm sitting up next to him on my laptop doing some work when I get a next from an unknown number. (I'm to lazy to type up the other contacts so I'm just using his name in this chapter)

Unknown: Hey Alex, It's me Ben Idk if you remember me it's been awhile.

Alex: Ben Hey! Yeah of course I remember you, how have you been, are you still living in Nevis?

Ben: Yeah I'm pretty good, I'm still living here. Hey so I was wondering we haven't seen each other in years and I was wondering if you wanted to fly over here for a couple of days, I can pay for you and you can bring a friend if you want?

Alex: Omg really?! That would be amazing!

Ben: Awesome, I'll text you later about details and stuff. Right now I should probably let you sleep what is it like 3am in America?

Alex: Haha yeah. Cool so I'll talk to you later.

I put down my phone and smile, I haven't been home in so long. I close my laptop and gently shake John's arm, "John," I half whisper.

"Ugh Lexi go back to sleep," He groans pushing me off him.

"No I wasn't even asleep, get up I wanna tell you something!" I say excitedly.

He sighs and sits up. "Baby why weren't you asleep?" He asks.

"Because I was doing some work." I say and he looks at the time.

"It's 3am! We talked about this you need to get better sleep" (I really be writing about getting better sleep at 3am aye)

"Whatever, anyway I got a text from one of my old friends from Nevis and he said he would fly me and a friend out there for a couple of days!" I say and he just looks at me.

"Really? That's great, when?" He asks still half asleep.

"I don't know yet he's gonna text me later about it" I reply.

"Cool. Now why don't we both go to sleep now and talk more in the morning" He says lying back down. I decide he's really not gonna care until the morning so I go to sleep as well.

*Time skip to the day they leave*

"JOHN COME ON WE'RE GONNA MISS OUR FLIGHT!" I yell, He's been in the bathroom for like half an hour.

"Lexi relax we still have 5 hours and I'm almost finished my hair!" He shouts back.

"It takes and hour and a half to get to the airport and the there's security and stuff also may I remind you it's very hot and humid there so you're hair's probably gonna be ruined anyway!" I say leaning against the door frame of the bathroom.

"Alright fine, do you want me to wear my hair out?" He says and I nod.

"Yes actually I do." I say and he rolls his eyes.

"I was being sarcastic." He says.

"Well either way you look cute with you're hair out." I say and he sighs and stops trying to put it up for the 10th time.

"Fine." He says and walks past me to put his hundreds of products in his bag.

"Okay let's go!" I say once he zips up his bag.

*Time skip- When the plane lands*

John POV

"How do you have so much energy you haven't even had any coffee today!" I say as he walk of the plane, Alex is basically jumping with excitement.

"I don't know I just haven't been here in so long since the..... Anyway lets got get out luggage" He says very quickly turning from happy to say and back to happy. I hope he's okay, I hope he only thinks about the good things that happened here.

Once we've got our bags we walk out and there's someone holding a sign with 'Hamilton' Written on it. We walk over to the guy and Alex hugs him. "Alex It's so good to see you, and who's this?" He asks.

"Oh yeah this is my friend John, John this is Ben" Alex says. Friend?! What the fuck?! Not boyfriend, not fiancé, not even best friend just friend.

"Well it's good to meet you," He says.

"Yeah you too, I've heard so much about you," I reply smiling. I'm sure Alex is just excited to be back here.

"Come on, We should head back to my place." Ben says and we walk to his car.

When we arrive at his place he shows up to our rooms and says his mum's homophobic so we can't share, which I know is bullshit cuz there's literally a pride flag hanging in his room but I don't say anything.

Alex and Ben show me around the town and take me to all the places they used to hang out. We get dinner at some random take out place that was actually really good, then go back to his place. Me and Alex go straight to bed cuz we're both a little jetlagged.

*Time skip- 2 day's later at 2am*

I wake up to the sound of thunder and lighting and sit up. "Alex!" I say and run out of my room to his. I open the door and find him crying into Ben's bare chest, not screaming or hyperventilating or anything.

"Alex you okay?" I say and start to walk towards the bed.

"He's fine. He's asleep again." Ben says. I really just wanna punch him.

"How exactly did you get in here so fast?" I ask still whispering so I don't wake Alex.

Ben carefully get up and walks out of the room dragging me with him and closing the door behind us, "What the hell are you doing?" I say pulling my wrist out of his grasp.

"Well I wouldn't wanna wake up Lexi." He says making me want to punch him even more. I don't wanna be that over protective fiancé but I'm the only that calls him that.

"Look I don't know what you're trying to do here but whatever it is you need to stop. You're not his fiancé I am, It's pretty obvious you love him but he doesn't love you so you need to back off. He didn't come here to see you, he came here because this is his home town. Also Alex might believe you but you and I both know you're mum's not homophobic, if she was you wouldn't have a pride flag in your room and you only said she was so we wouldn't stay in the same room." I say.

"Okay well answer this for me, If he loves you so much why did he introduce you as his friend not fiancé? And yeah my mum's not homophobic but if you really wanted to share a room why didn't you go into his room or why didn't he go into yours? He was perfectly fine with me staying in his room. Are you sure he still loves you?" Ben replies and before I know it I slap him in the face.

I walk back into my room and close the door. I don't think I can stay here another 3 days.

A/N Sorry this chapter isn't very good, I feel like it's very fast pace and not very detailed, sorry.

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