Chapter 16

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A/N Hey I hope you like this chapter, idk why but I like writing angsty chapter so the next few might be like chapter 15. Trigger Warning- Sexual assault, Abuse, depression, PTSD,


John POV

"Laf?" I say when he answers.

"John! Mon amie we were so worried, are you okay? we're on our way to pick you up now but there's a bit of traffic." he says, I don't know why he's so worried about me when Alex is the one in trouble.

"Yeah I'm fine but where's Alex? There's a storm and he can't be alone and he defiantly can't be with Charles" I say and there's silence.

"We-we don't know where he is but I'm sure he's fine, he's probably still at home or with the Schuyler's or something." Herc says eventually.

"Well if that's true then how come you know you're supposed to come get me?" I reply.

"He sent us a text saying he didn't know where you where you were and he though Charles had something to do with it but he knew there was a storm coming and we told him he shouldn't drive," Herc say and I relax a little.

"Yeah okay, Just text me when you're hear," I say and hang up. There's another rumble of thunder and it's pretty loud, maybe I should call him. I call him twice but no answer.

Lafayette POV

"Why'd you tell him Alex was fine?!" I say after we hang up.

"Well right now John's in Charles apartment which would already stress him out and telling him Alex is missing and sent a help text that we ignored is not gonna help him stay calm." Herc explains calmly. I know he's right but I'm just so worried.

Alex POV

"Ugh stop shaking and shouting it's just a storm and your acting like a 2 year old." Charles says before slapping me in the face.

"Please just get off me" I beg, at this point I don't care if I seem weak I can't take it anymore. Every time he touches me it get worse and the storm isn't helping.

"Begging are we? A little kinky but whatever." He laughs then returns to biting my neck. "Remember this if for John, so you might wanna show some affection or I'll have someone hurt him." He says and I know he's right. It's all for John. I reluctantly lean back and he smiles pushing me harder against the wall.

I hear my phone right and this time I can only just see the name 'I like you a lot😘🍻' It's John. He's okay. he has his phone and can call me which means he's okay. For a moment I forget about everything, I forget about Charles and the storm and my situations nothing else matters because John's okay. I realise I'm smiling which only encourages Charles.

"Starting to enjoy yourself?" He says with the most discussing smirk I've ever seen.

"No but John's okay which means I don't have to do anything for you anymore." I say trying to push him off me.

"What just because he tried to call you he's okay? How do you know that wasn't someone else calling he him on your phone? Why don't you call him back and see, but remember you're at home and not in any danger" He says walking over to and grabbing my phone.

I call John back and he answers almost straight away. "Alex?! Are you okay? Laf and Herc are on their way to pick me up but they're stuck in traffic, I'll be home as soon as I can, do you want me to send Peggy or someone over?" He basically screams.

"I-I'm fine. You d-don't need to-ahh" I yelp when there's another wave of thunder, "send a-anyone" I say shakily. All the memory are coming back. My brother screaming for my help, the rain poring down, the wind, the thunder everything.

"Ok, I'm so sorry I left! I'm so sorry I left without giving you an explanation. I-" I cut him off when I see Charles tapping his wrist telling me to rap up the conversation.

"I-It's fine, I-I have to go" I say trying to block out all the memories and voices screaming from the hurricane.

"Ok, call me if you need anything and I'll be home as soon as I can. I'm so sorry. I love you." He says.

"I love you too" I say and hang up and Charles snatches my phone away.

"So he's still at my place which means he's still in danger but hopefully that was enough motivation for now, if not I'm happy to play the recording of his screams when I first took him to my house." He says and I shake my head. "Good"

He pushes me against the wall again and slides his hand down my jeans as he moves his mouth across my chest. "ALEX HELP ME!" I hear my brother scream, another bolt of lighting flashes across the sky and he's gone.

Lafayette POV

"Call John and tell him we're like a minute away." I say to Herc as we pull into the street. It took a while to get out of the traffic, but we're out now.

"Hey John do you wanna come outside we're pulling into the street now," Herc says then he waits a minute and hangs up. "So when he gets in to you think we should tell him?" He asks as I pull into the drive way.

"Yeah I guess we should," I reply and John opens the door.

"Should what?" He says climbing in the back.

"Umm well John we need to tell you something...about Alex" I say turning around.

"Oh yeah I called him, and he's doing okay he's at home, he's a little shaken up because of the storm but other than that he's good." John says happily,

"Yes well... I think he could be lying" Herc says and John's face drops,

"What makes you say that?"

"Uh well I got a next from him asking me to pick you up and he couldn't because he had to take care of your turtles." I say nervously,

"But why would he say that unless he was in trouble- IS HE IN TROUBLE, WHERE IS HE?" he screams.

"I'm sorry mon amie but I don't know, maybe you should calm down a bit" I say in a calm voice.

"Marie-Joseph Paul Yves Roch Gilbert du Motier de Lafayette, Marquis de Lafayette, my boyfriend is missing so shut up and drive me back to my house!" He yells at me, I don't think he's ever used my whole name, I didn't think he remembered it.

"Well we don't know for sure he's in trouble maybe he was-"

"DRIVE!" oh shit he's really mad. I drive as fast as I legally can and the whole time John's freaking out in the back.

"John maybe you should calm down-" Herc says but then stops, I look in the mirror to see John starting at him like he's about to kill him. "never mind"

As soon as we arrive at John's house we run in and me and Herc follow John up the stairs. "Alex? ALEX?" He screams and searches the whole room and bathroom and spear room the runs back down stairs.

"Have you seen Alex?" He basically screams at Mr. Washington who looks very confused.

"Uh yeah about 45 minutes ago he left with that Charles lee guy in your year, he said they were going to catch up or something." He says and John grabs my arm.


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