Chapter 26

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A/N Lol so I've been reading some more fanfic and I realised most ppl have like a schedule for when they update and I just wanted to say I'm not doing that sorry, mainly because I write at night when I'm bored so it's really just how much I get done before 4am but if ya want I can just update once a day.

Saturday night, a bit before John's gonna get picked up.

John POV

I've got like 20 minutes until Samuel's gonna pick me up and I'm not excited. "So you ready for you big date?" Alex mocks.

"Ugh this is gonna be the worst night even!" I groan.

"Aww you'll be fine just don't get drunk." He replies.

"Yeah I know. If I do I might actually kill him then myself." I say and Alex laughs. "Remind me again why I agreed to do this?"

"Because if you didn't then Laf would get suspicious and we would have to tell them we're dating and then there would be more pressure and we would probably break up again" Alex says walking over and kisses me lightly.

There's a nock on the door and Alex goes to answer it. "Thomas, um hi." Alex says and I look over to see Jefferson standing at the door.

"Hey Alex, I heard John was going out tonight so I though we could talk." He says.

"I'm still here just so you know, you can't fuck him till I'm gone!" I yell over to him.

"Your so annoying," Alex says and I just smile.

"Oh sorry John, It's good you two are still friends though." He says.

"Ha friends yeah, friends don't make people go on dates with fucking Samuel Seabury!" I say in a sarcastic tone.

"What are you talking about? I bet you can't wait to get laid by him tonight," Alex replies.

"Ok well I'm just gonna wait here but continue with your conversation. I'm not even here." I say and pull out my phone, I've still got like 10 minutes.

"Okay...well Alex I was thinking about what happened and I just wanted to apologize. I shouldn't have kissed you, you had just broken up with John and you were probably still trying to figure thinks out. I need to be honest, so yes I do really like you but I love James. I'm pretty sure It's just a crush on you because we're usually enemies so I'm sorry," I can't help but over hear the conversation.'

"Um am I interrupting something?" Samuel says appearing from behind Jefferson.

"Oh hey, no they were just talking." I say getting up and putting on a fake smile.

"Have fun, make sure you tell me everything when you get back" Alex says as I walk out and I just glare at him.

"So where are we going?" I ask as I get in his car.

"Just a restaurant I found near by," He says smiling. Laf told me he has a huge crush on me to this is gonna be really awkward.

We arrive at the restaurant and sit down at a table. I start looking at the menu, everything so expensive. Once we've chosen and ordered Samuel starts talking. "So, tell me about yourself"

"Umm well I don't know I don't have a very interesting life, I was born in South Carolina, my mums dead my dad's in jail and that's pretty much it." I say shrugging.

"Oh wow okay. What's the deal with you and Alexander?" He asks.

"Um well it's kinda complicated, we went out for about 2 and a half months then we broke up about 3 weeks ago."

"Do you still love him? why'd you break up?" He asks and I'm starting to get nervous why does he care so much?

"Well... not really, he's with Jefferson now and we broke up because something happened. What about you have you had any past boyfriends?" I ask.

"Yeah I've had one, his name was Charles Lee remember that kid from our class? We dated for a while after he broke up with his other boyfriend who he never shut up about. He was a little abusive but he always said he loved me. Before he got arrested we broke up and he said he was still in love with his ex and wanted to do anything to get back with him so that sucks but I'm over him." He says.

"Oh cool, umm will you excuse me for a minute I have to go to the bathroom." I say and stand up to walk to the bathroom. It was a single stall so I didn't have to worry about anyone walking in. I lock the door and pull out my phone and lean against the wall. I press Alex's number and he answers almost straight away.

"Hey babe how's- are you okay?" He asks as my breathing starts in increase and I start hyperventilating.

"He- he s-started talking about C-Charles l-lee a-and he said that when they broke up C-Charles s-said he still L-loved me a-and wanted m-me back" I manage to get out as tears start running down my face.

"Are you okay?! do you need me to pick you up?" he asks through the phone.

"N-no I can't leave w-we only just ordered," I reply

"Hold on I'm gonna put you on facetime okay," He says and I move my phone from my ear to in front of my face. "Hey okay breathe, it's gonna be alright." He says. Even though it's through the screen looking at him makes me feel a little better.

"A-Alex I don't wanna go back out there." I say.

"I know but it'll be alright, all you have to do is walk out there, change the subject, eat and then you can leave." He says. I nod and whip my face.

"But what if he talks about h-him again?" I ask as I finally start to calm down

"Then change the subject. Are you gonna be alright?" He asks and I nod. "Okay call me if you need anything else, I love you." He says.

"Love you too" I say and hang up. I take a minute to breathe and I wash my face and walk out.

College  years- lams fanficOn viuen les histories. Descobreix ara