Chapter 17

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A/N Hey I'm sorry idk what happened but for some reason when I published this chapter it didn't publish the whole chapter. Trigger warning- Sexual Assault, suicidal thoughts, PTSD

Alex POV

My phones ringing again but this time I don't think he'll let me answer it. I don't know what time it is or how long it's been, but the storms only gotten worse, I still flinch every time I hear the lightning or thunder, when ever I close my eyes I see my brother drowning and screaming for help, I can see the rain pouring down over the town flooding houses and destroying photos, memories. I remember the last photo of my whole family being washed away by the water, I open my eyes and things are just as bad.

My phone rang a couple of times but everyone time I try and move and answer it Charles pushes me against the wall harder. It's been what like 20 minutes since I spoke with him at least I think about 20 minutes. I just want it all to end, the pain, the guilt, the sorrow. I want it to all be gone, I would rather Charles kill me right now then go on with this. If I was dead John could move on with his life and be happy without having to worry about me.

John POV

Where is he? Is he still alive? Is he with Charles? Lafayette and Hercules keep trying to tell me it's fine and Alex is strong and I know he is but there's a storm and those are stressful enough for him but if he's also which Charles who's doing hell knows what to him he's not gonna be coping very well.

"Hold on what's happening?" George says forcing me to sit down.

"Well Charles lee is John's ex and they broke up about 4 months ago and he was kinda abusive towards John and when John left this morning he was kidnapped by Charles and when he came here saying he was a friend he must have blackmailed Alex into going with him so now we don't know where they are because when John called him he said he was still here," Herc explains.

"Okay, this is what we're gonna do, we're gonna go down to the police station and tell them what happened and if he has his phone then they should be able to track him, John I think you should stay here" George says.

"No! I wanna come, I need to come I'm not gonna let you find him without him." I say stubbornly.

"Mon amie I think Mr. Washington is right, I thing you should stay here and try not to think about it." Laf says putting his hand on my shoulder.

"No I have to go, besides I'm the only one that knows how to calm him in a storm, please?" I beg and George sighs then agrees.

Washington POV

We all get in the car, Hercules and Lafayette are in the back and John's in the front with his feet on the seat and his arms folded around them.

After a few minutes of silence Hercules finally says something "John are you okay?"

"Yeah, yeah I'm great I mean their gonna find him, why wouldn't they it's not that hard to trach a phone, but what if he's already dead? It's not like Charles wouldn't do that, what if he's seriously hurt?!" He rambles.

"John he'll be fine, just try to relax." I say as I pull into the police station.

we walk in and find one of the officers, "We'd like to report a crime," I say and the officer nods and leads up to her desk.

"I'm detective, Santiago now please explain to me in detail what happened," She says sitting down and pulling out a file and a pen.

"Well my boyfriend Alexander Hamilton's missing, ut was earlier today we got in a fight or argument or really just me getting upset over something his dad said but I left the house and when I was on my way to see Laf and Herc to talk to them-" John starts talk and detective Santiago stops him.

"Sorry who's Laf and Herc?" She asks.

"Oh two of my friends, Marquis de Lafayette and Hercules Mulligan," He says pointing the them and the officer says to continue, "Yeah so I was on my way to see them when I ran into my Ex-boyfriend Charles Lee who was abusive and I'm not 100% sure what he did but I woke up like 20 minutes later in his house, I called Lafayette and he said that Alex had texted him to pick me up and he was on his way but stuck in traffic so then I heard the storm coming and he hates storms because his brother died in a hurricane that also destroyed his hometown and so I wanted to see if he was okay and when he answered he said that he was at home and he was fine, after I hung up Laf and Herc arrived and when we were in the car they also told me that Alex had said something about having to look after my turtles and that's like our code word for we're in danger and so when we got back to where me and Alex live now George Washington told us that Charles had picked him up like 45 minutes before that and he let Alex go because he didn't know about Charles and so we think Charles blackmailed Alex into going with him and we don't know where they are." John says, I don't think he breathed the entire time he said that, what is with the group talking so fast?

"Okay so just to clarify, your boyfriend Alexander Hamilton is missing and your suspect is Charles Lee your abusive ex?" She says looking at what she wrote and we all nod, "Okay well you said you called him and he answered so that means he has his phone on him so we should be able to find him very easily, If you just wait here for a couple of minutes I'll go find the address, could I please have his number ?" She asks and John gives it to him.

We stand there at the desk as she walks away, I notice John looking at the floor, he doesn't look as happy as I thought he's be, "Hey John you good, I would think you'd be happier that their gonna find him," Lafayette says walking to stand next to John.

"Yeah I am but what if he hates me?" John replies,

"Why would he hate you?" Hercules asks.

"Well cuz of how I left things I basically broke up with him and I know he forgave me over the phone but that was probably just because he didn't want to fight over the phone and while Charles was there, what if he never wants to see me again?" John asks with a sad and worried look on is face.

"No mon amie, he will be happy to see you and he could never hate you, just you wait, when we get there he'll be so happy to see you" Lafayette says putting his arm around John's shoulders.

A few minutes later detective Santiago walks back over, "We found where they are and me and a couple more officers are going over there now so you can come if you want," We nod and get in the car and follow the other police cars.

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