Chapter 30

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A/N So first thanks so much for over 400 reads, I know every writer says this but it honestly means so much to me. also it turns out this is gonna be a pretty long book cuz I planned out a munch of chapters and I realised some of them have minor things that turn into a whole chapter like this one so sorry if u don't like long books. Also check out my Instagram: @hamilpotter_221B if u wanted to follow me that would be great also sorry I hate promoting myself yet here we are, anyway enjoy the chapter.

The plane

John POV

*Time skip to Friday morning*

"Alex! Alex babe yet up!" I whisper yell while shaking him.

"Ugh it's only-" He checks his phone for the time. "2:30" He groans and rolls over.

"Lexiiiiiiiii" I whine still shaking him.

"At least wait until 3" He says and I pout then I have an idea. I put legs around his waste and lean down to his ear.

"Remember what I said we could do in Paris?" He sit's straight up almost hitting me in the head and I giggle. He puts his arm around my waist and kisses me before I hop off him to get ready. He slowly follows.

*Time skip- on the plane when it's about to take off*

I look over at Alex who's on the isle seat, he looks really nervous. "Hey are you okay?" I ask taking his hand.

"Yeah, I just haven't been on a plane since I left Nevis after the Hurricane" He says nervously.

"It's gonna be okay, I promise. Do you wanna watch a movie when we take off?" I ask and he nods. The flight attendants go though all the safety stuff before we take off.

When the plane finally lifted off the ground Alex squeezed my hand, it kinda hurt but I didn't mind. We decide on watching the little mermaid since it was his favorite movie. by the end of the movie he had fallen asleep on my shoulder.

Halfway through the flight the plane shakes and bit and Alex jumps up "What was that?!" He yells.

"It was just a bit of wind we're fine." I say but he doesn't seem convinced. Suddenly the plane shakes again but this time a little bit move and the pilot speaks.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, we're going through bit of turbulence, we'll be out soon so please remain calm." He says and Alex gets up and runs to the bathroom. I sigh and get up.

I walk to the back of the plan and nock on the bathroom door, "Lexi are you in there?" I asks softly.

"Yeah," I hear him whisper back.

"Can you please let me in?" I ask still softly.

"No...I'm okay." He says and the plane shakes a bit more and I hear him gasp.

"Come of Lexi, I know you're not. Please let me in?" I continue.

"Excuse me sir we would like to ask you to sit down and stop trying to intrude on the person in there." A flight attendant says. Great she thinks I'm like a raspiest or something.

"Oh no, sorry my boyfriend's in there and he sort of has a bad history with storms" I say and Alex unlocks the door. Alex opens the door and nods before pulling me closer and closing the door again. His cheeks are wet so it's obvious he was crying.

"I-I'm sorry." He chokes out and I pull him into a hug and he sobs into my shoulder as I stroke his hair.

"Shhhh you have nothing to be sorry about. Every things going to be okay. I'm here." I whisper as he continues to cry and the plane shakes again making him yelp.

"Please don't leave me." He say. I hate seeing him like this, it breaks my heart. He doesn't deserve anything that's happened to him. I just want him to be happy without having to worry about stuff like this. I just. I need to prove to him he's worth it and I love him I just don't know how yet.

"I won't I promise. You know I love you to much to leave and I'll always love you" I say. He lets go of me and wipes his face.

"C-can we just go sit back down now?" He asks and I nod. We walk out the door and back to out seats getting a couple of weird looks from people. We sit down and we only have about 3 hours left so we talk for a while and Alex falls asleep again.

*time skip to landing*

"Alex, babe we landed it's time to get off the plane." I say shaking him awake. He slowly opens his eyes and kisses my cheek. I smile, "Come lets grab out stuff." We get up and grab our carryon's and walk out of the plane. I hold Alex's hand the whole time to make sure he doesn't get lost in the crowd of people.

We arrive at our hotel after a half our cab drive and it's a relatively nice place, we got to spend a little more since the Washington's payed for the flight. We sign in and walk up to our room which is number 46 on the 4th floor.

Its a pretty large room, it's got a bathroom, a bedroom with a king sized bed and a tv and then a main room with a couch, table, tv and a small area half cut off that's a kitchen. "So what do you think?" I ask as we put our stuff down.

"I think I'm glad we're not staying with Laf or Herc and we have privacy." He replies and I laugh and kiss is forehead.

"Is that the only thing you think about?" I ask still laughing.

"Well with you in the room what else am I supposed to think about. I don't have a hot boyfriend for no reason." He says and I blush. "Aww did I embarrass you in front of the walls?" He teases and I lightly slap his arm.

"Shut up. Do you wanna get some dinner?" I ask.

"It's only 5:30" He responds.

"Yeah but I'm hungry. Airplane food is horrible." I say,

"Okay, do you just wanna get room serves?" He asks and I nod. We order and sit on the couch and wait.

"What movie do you wanna watch?" I ask and his face lights up.

"Oh can we watch die hard?" He asks excitedly.

"I didn't think that was your thing." I says surprised.

"Yeah but I hear it's really good and they talk about it heaps on Brooklyn 99." He replies and I shrug and put it on. Just as it starts our food arrive so we sit and eat while watching the movie and for someone who's beat up a couple of people he always looked away whenever there was blood.

After we had eaten and finished the movie, we decided to go to sleep even though it was still pretty early we were both jetlagged.

(A/N btw Alex and John changed each others contacts back when the others found out)

Hot pants🔥: 11:30 tomorrow at the Eiffel Tower information stand thing?

We do or die❤: Yeah sounds good.

3 pints of Sam Adams🍻: Cya then.

We put down our phones and I wrap my arms around Alex and he leans against my chest. He falls asleep first and I soon after.

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