Chapter 23

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A/N Thanks so much for 159 reads I'm now ranked #1 Hamilton so thx so much! Also there's a ship in this chapter that I DO NOT SHIP.

Real or not real

John POV

I wake up on the couch of Laf and Herc's room. I look at the time and it's like 10:30. "Everyone get the fuck up we have classes in an hour!" I yell making own head hurt.

"Ugh does anyone know any hangover cures?" Angelica asks sitting up from one of the beds. Eliza's on the other bed, Laf, Herc and Peggy are on the floor but where's Alex?

"I know one" He says from next to me.

"Fuck! how long have you been there?" I say and he just ignores me.

"If you know one the make one otherwise Washington is gonna yell just to annoy us." Herc says.

"Fine." He gets up and slowly walks to the kitchen then like 10 minutes later he comes back and tells us all to drink whatever he made.

"It spells like shit." Eliza comments.

"Well you don't have to have it but it works" Alex replies, he's obviously already had some.

"Ugh it tastes worst then it smells" I say when it comes around to me. "But it works to thanks"

"Alright who remembers anything from last night?" Herc says sitting up.

"Um yeah there was this weird thing between John and Alex, they did 7 minutes in heaven twice and the first time you were making out when we opened the door and were super nice to each other then the second time you we're anywhere near each other and hated each other." Peggy says.

"Very specific but ok." I reply.

"I'm gonna go get ready." Alex says getting up.

"Yeah same," I say following him into our room.

Once we've closed the door and hear the Schuyler's leaving we can finally talk. " you remember that?" I ask.

"Yeah do you?" He responds and I nod. "So that umm second time?" He says and it take me a minute until I remember what we did.

"Y-yeah. What did-do you thing of that?" I ask nervously. I don't even know what I though of that.

"I...F-forgot hoe much missed you." he says just loud enough for me to hear.

"Me too...So wh-"

"-I wanna get back together" He cuts me off.

"I-.... what? we- ummm what?" I say taken aback by what he just said.

"Come on, think about it? there are so many signs saying we should and if we both still love each other why not just get back together?" He says talk a step forward.

"But what about all the things you said before?" I ask.

"Forget all that, listen to what I'm saying now. Please." He begs.

"I- ok." I say.

"Ok as in?"

"Yes we can get back together" I say and he smiles and jumps into my arms. "But we shouldn't tell the other's yet cuz they'll probably do something weird and it's funny to mess with them." I say he nods leaning forward to kiss me.

Suddenly the door open's and I don't see but I'm pretty sure it was laf. the door quickly closes and we hear him screaming for the girls down the hall. "So fake fight to mess with him?" I say pulling away.

"Yep." We wait a minute until we hear foot steps past near our room. Alex clears his thought and starts yell. "You always act like you better then me! Stop blaming all you're problems on me it's not my fault you have a horrible dad!" He yells and Laf opens the door.

"Since when do I tell you about my problems, and you're one to talk, you're dad's just as bad as mine! Oh and you're the one that's always saying shit like 'in the Caribbean I didn't get to do this' just to get sympathy from people so they do what you want!"

"Hold on what's going on?" Herc says.

"Uh ever heard of nocking?" Alex says and Laf's face is so funny.

"No I came in like 2 minutes ago and you guys were making out!" He says defensively.

"You're delusional Laf," I say trying not to laugh.

Everyone just walks out and it's just me and Alex again. "Just so you know I didn't mean any of the things I said." I say walking over to him.

"I know you didn't. and I didn't mean what I said either." He replies.

"I know. Come one we should get ready for class." I say and pull out an outfit and get changed. Alex does the same thing. We walk outside and down to the coffee shop on campus and make sure none of the others are there before walking in and ordering.

"So who long do you think we'll be able to lie to the other's for?" I ask as we wait.

"I don't know, depends on how determine they are to 'get us back together'." Alex replies.

"Well if it isn't Alex the worlds biggest suck up and his annoying boyfriend." Jefferson says from behind us.

We turn around and see Jefferson standing there. I also see Laf and Herc walking past the café but stopping when they see us together. "He's not my boyfriends and you're just mad you're not as smart as me an where's your side kick?" Alex says folding his arms.

"I broke up with James he was too boring. If he's not you're boyfriend why are you here together?" Jefferson replies.

"Unfortunately we share a room and are in the same first class." I chip in. I hear out names being called and grab our coffee's.

"Well in that case you wouldn't mind me doing this." He says and grabs Alex and kisses him. I try not to choke on my coffee or laugh. I should be mad that another guy's kissing my boyfriend but it's Jefferson. Thomas Jefferson had a think for Alex and I don't know why but I find that funny.

"What the fuck was that?" Alex says when he pulls away.

"Well we're both single now, you're hot I'm hot, why not?" He says.

"Alright I'm gonna go to class and leave y'all to it." I say walking away and Alex glares at me.

"So why were you with Alex?" Laf says as I walk past him.

"Um I was getting coffee." I say and continue walking. He and Herc run to catch up with me.

"Yeah but you weren't fighting, and you stayed a minute after you got you're coffee and you seemed a little angry when Jefferson kissed him." Herc says.

"Look I'm sorry I wasn't screaming at him at that moment I'm also sorry I still love him and it hurt to see someone else kiss him" I say with a fake sad voice.

"Oh- sorry." Laf says and they walk with me to class in silence.

Alex POV

"Alright I'm gonna go to class and leave y'all to it." John says walking away.

"So Friday night 7pm my room." Jefferson says.

"Um no." I reply

"What do you mean 'no'?" He asks.

"No, I'm not gonna go out with you."

"Why not I'm fucking amazing!"

"You're not my type and I'm not into you. Get back together with James he loves you." I say.

"You've never even had a conversation with him." He shoots back.

"yeah but it's obvious how he looks at you."

"Okay fine but you have to get back with John, you too were cute." he says and I laugh.

"Yeah nah we broke up for a lot of reasons." I say trying to make it as realistic as possible.

"Oh okay well we should probably get to class now." He says and we walk up to class together and take out seats.

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