Chapter 23

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After a long night of work and only a few hours of sleep, Allie is wide awake on this Friday afternoon. North's dress is now clean. Allie hand washed it as soon as she got home from work. The thin strings that hung from the bottom are gone, cut clean off. The shoulder straps are sewn together with white thread. The once fragile mess is now almost as good as new.

North's dress isn't the only thing that looks brand new today. Allie took down the posters of naked girls off her wall and disposed of them. Now her walls are plain, but at least they're not taunting her anymore. She even put the new bed sheets on her bed and stuffed her two pillows in their respectful cases.

Her matching pajama outfit makes her look like a bandit; a black long sleeve shirt and black pajama pants. Her hair almost blends in with her shirt as it hangs down her back. She holds North's dress in her arms throughout the house. She's been trying to find the right place for it for hours now.

She's in the living room, sitting down on her brown couch. Her phone starts to vibrate inside of her pajama pants pocket. She pulls out her cell phone and picks up the call.

"Are you here?" She asked.

"I'm coming up the elevator now - a little nervous." Alix said quietly.

"You'll be fine, I promise. The door is open by the way." Allie said.

"See in you in a few." Alix said.

They hung up on each other. Allie decides it's time figure out where to put the dress and fast. She doesn't want Alix to see it yet. Allie slips her phone back into her pocket and gets up from the couch. She quickly rushes to the box room. It's a good hiding place for now. The only person who steps foot in that room is her.

Allie quickly looks around the room and starts to fold the dress. She takes a few steps to the left and places the dress down on a short stack of boxes. Since there isn't any real light in the room the dress will almost remain invisible as long as it's in there. She runs her hands over the dress one last time before leaving the room.

She closes the door behind her and prepares for her bundle of happiness to walk through the door. Allie quickly walks into her room and slides her sleeves up her arms. She takes her cell phone out of her pocket and places it down on the bed.

Allie hears the front door creak open. She turns around and listens for the door to close. She hears Alix scuffling around and then hears the door shut. A smile creeps onto her face as she walks out into the hallway to see Alix preparing to lock the door.

Alix's hair waves back and forth as she struggles with the locks. She has on her varsity jacket, blue jeans and a bright pink shirt that made Allie laugh to herself. She's a cute mismatch mess.

"You need help?" Allie called out.

Alix jumped to the sound of Allie's voice. "A little ..."

Allie smirked and walked down the hall to Alix. "You're so cute trying to lock the door."

Alix stepped away from the door feeling a little embarrassed. "Well thanks ..."

Allie locks the door with force; both top and bottom locks. She forgot to mention to Alix that the locks are a little rusted, but they work like a charm. What burglar would waste their time trying to bust tight rusty locks?

Allie turns to Alix and welcomes her with open arms. Alix smiles and lunges into them, pressing against Allie's chest. Both girls get lost in each other and it's only been a few minutes. Alix purposely takes heavy breaths against Allie. She loves Allie's scent and it's one of the things that calm her down.

Breaking The Game [Book #1]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora