Chapter 41

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The whole week was busy for me. My right hand is past dead. I've never tattooed so many people in such a short amount of time. It's refreshing, but the pain hasn't dimmed down a bit. This emptiness is swallowing me faster than I can swallow alcohol.

North and I managed to get her key this week. It's been a small amount of awkwardness between us, but that's my entire fault. She's been on a ball with work lately too. She never really steps foot out that office unless she's going home for clothes.

On this Sunday night, I'm outside across the street from Alix's house. I took it into my own hands to see her. I've already tried calling and her phone is disconnected. A lot of things can go wrong tonight, clearly. I just hope I don't do anything to fuck it up.

There are dark bags under my eyes. I'm wearing my favorite black hood with a plain white tee underneath and my black sweat pants. My hair is down for the extra cloaking effect. No one should be able to notice me.

I stare at the large white house. Every light that would be visible in the house is off. My guess is that they're out or sleeping. This is going to be a waste of a trip if Alix isn't home.

The street lights are on, but they aren't bright. This would be the perfect place for someone to commit a burglary.

I begin to walk across the street. I snap my head around to make sure the coast is clear. I see no cars on the road. It's so quiet you can probably hear a pin drop. My heart rate is picking it up. My hands are starting to sweat. I've never snuck into someone's house before - I've never needed too.

As I make it to the side walk of her house I quickly scope out the area one last time before I climb her gate. North mentioned something about me being a modern Tarzan at one point; hopefully I can recreate this old part of me.

I climb the gate slowly, straining most of muscles. I'm trying not to end up in the hospital tonight. I'm over the gate trying not to gaze too long at the ground. I lower myself down to the ground and walk carefully towards the backyard - more like the side yard that belongs to Alix.

Leaves and grass crunch underneath my feet, so much for being completely discreet. I doubt her parents can hear me anyways. They are all the way on the other side of the house.

As I walk I look up at Alix's porch. The ladder is down, thank god. If it wasn't I would have no other way of getting up there. The only problem is no one is here to make sure I don't die on this ladder. It's already intimidating as it is. The last thing I need is a broken back and another bad head injury.

I approach the ladder and stare up at the night sky. I grip the ladder and prepare myself for the real challenge. I pull myself up and start to climb my way to the top. I'm fighting the thought of falling straight to ground. The moonlight marks my next move and so forth.

I reach the top and slowly drag myself on to the porch. The porch is cold and lively with splinters. I look up to see Alix's curtains are blocking the windows. I can't see inside. She must be asleep. I push myself up and brush myself off.

I quietly approach the windows and press my hands against them. I take a few deep breaths. There's no going back now. I already made the trip. This is for her, for us.

Knock. Knock.

I hold my breath and wait a few more seconds before knocking again.

Knock. Knock.

"Alix. It's me." I said with an ounce of hope that maybe she would hear me.

I'm trying not to let disappointment fill my stomach. I know for a fact she isn't a deep sleeper. Maybe she isn't in the room?

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