Chapter 52: Part 1

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"I haven't been to one of these things in forever." North said looking around the gym.

She looks happy, likes she's reliving memories. Asking her to come with me to this game was beyond awkward. We could see the guilt on each others faces when I did. She wanted to say no. It was hanging off her lips, but she sucked it up. We haven't spoken a word about our lovely mishap yet, but every time we look at each other I feel like bringing it up. Every time she glances at me I know exactly what she's thinking.

Her hair is straight and hanging down her back. She has on a long black sleeved turtle neck and a matching pencil skirt on. Today she's wearing a different pair of heels, ones I've never seen before. They look brand new. They're black Gladiator heels and the leather thin strings wrapping around her feet and just above her ankles look sexy. She looks sexy.

I'm wearing a short sleeved navy blue shirt and black ripped jeans just to support the team. My hair is down in a braid. North did it for me before we left. It's so neat and tight that I just may leave it this way for a few days.

The gym is jam packed, even worse than the last scrimmage game Alix had. The Brigadier Wolves are going against The Iron Dragons  today for the championship title and the large gold trophy. The gym is surprisingly quiet enough to the point where we don't have to yell at each other to speak. Supporters of each team are split off into different sections of the gym.

North and I are sitting behind the the team's reserved bleacher spot in the front. All of the girls are in the locker room and Coach is roaming around in his Wolves colored track suit talking to sponsor's and other people. I haven't seen Alix yet. I'm actually supposed to be in the locker room now, but I had to get North seated and comfortable. I'm sure Alix doesn't have time to converse anyway.

"This reminds of the high school games we used to attend too." North said.

"Games? We went to games? Our school had a team?" I questioned.

"You seriously don't remember the games?" She asked.

I shake my head. I don't even remember what the inside of the school looks like.

"Well if you read your own writings you'd probably be familiar with it." She said.

"Does it look like I have time to read North? Serious question." I responded.

"You are really tense and it's killing the mood."  She said.

I sighed. "I'm sorry ..."

North gently places her hand on my knee. Her fingers rub against the soft fabric of my jeans and makes my leg quiver a little. I quickly correct myself, hoping she doesn't notice.

She said in a soft tone, "I understand, but just try and relax."

"I can't tell her." I said.

"I can't tell you what to do. It's whatever you think is best because to be honest I don't even know what I'd do." She replied.

"Wouldn't you want to know?" I asked.

She shrugged. "No. I don't think anyone wants to know about their loved one cheating on them, but honesty goes a long way at the same time. It's hard to wrap your head around, but everyone makes mistakes. Better you cheat now than while you're married to someone. We learn from these things. We're not perfect, we're still young."

"How can I just forget about this? It's wrong to keep it to myself, but it saves so much pain." I said.

"You can forget about now by preparing for this game. Give yourself time to think about it later and don't bash yourself while doing it." She replied.

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